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FRST30001 Forest Systems
Pre-Workshop 1 Assessment Task Task Description Essential Elements of Sustainable Forest Management In the pre-workshop lecture, we learnt that Sustainable Forest Management is both holistic and complex comprising of set of criteria and indicators that effectively define what it is to manage forest in a sustainable way. We also learnt that this is a relatively new thing in the history of human civilisation. For this task you are asked to analyse the criteria of significant international SFM processes such as the Montreal process, Forest Europe and Tarapoto process and define what the essential components of SFM are in diagram and a short 100-word caption that could be used to educate young adults not familiar with forest management. Your diagram and 100-word caption should demonstrate the breadth of what SFM essential elements cover and why. Good luck! Use the search terms ‘Montreal Process’, ‘Forest Europe’ and ‘Tarapoto Process’ to find out more about what criteria they use to assess Sustainable Forest Management. The assessment task should contain no more than 100 words (+10%). Any words used in the diagram should be succinct, summative, and enhancing and if so, will not be counted toward the word count, however excessive word use will be. Assessment Criteria The following assessment criteria will be used to assess the questions as part of the quiz with weightings for each noted. This assessment task is worth 2.5% of the total mark for the subject. Assessment Criteria Weighting (%) How successful has the analysis undertaken been in identifying the essential elements of SFM? The diagram and statement should recognize all essential elements of SFM as noted in SFM scheme globally 30 How effectively does the diagram demonstrate why these SFM essential elements are included? The diagram should clearly show why these are essential SFM elements. 30 How effectively have the essential elements of SFM been explained to the target reader? The language and prose in the caption should be clear and easy to understand supporting the reader in understanding what SFM essential element are in combination with the diagram provided. 30 How accurate is the spelling and grammar and adherence to the work count? There should be no spelling or grammatical errors and should be within the word count. 10 A rubric will be used to assess each criterion and will involve the following scale; % of mark 0 20 40 60 80 100% Descriptor Not address Very Poorly Poorly Mostly Highly Exceptionally