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ECE-GY 6113
Inverse Systems, ECG data (Matlab exercises) 1) An ECG signal x is processed by an LTI system H implemented as the difference equation: y(n) = x(n) + 0.5 x(n-1) + 0.8 y(n-1). The output signal y is available in the accompanying file ecg_distorted_1.txt. This difference equation was implemented by the following Matlab code fragment. b = [1 0.5]; a = [1 -0.8]; y = filter(b, a, x); save('ecg_distorted_1.txt', 'y', '-ascii'); Your task is to recover the signal x. Derive and implement a stable inverse system G. Using your inverse system, numerically find the ECG signal x. Submit your derivation of the inverse system, and plot the ECG signal x. Show the impulse response h and the convolutional inverse g. Verify the convolution of h and g is an impulse. 2) Same as previous Exercise (1) except the LTI system H is different and the data file is different. An ECG signal x is processed by the difference equation: y(n) = 0.5 x(n) + x(n-1) + 0.8 y(n-1). The output signal y is available in the accompanying file ecg_distorted_2.txt. This was implemented in Matlab as: b = [0.5 1]; a = [1 -0.8]; y = filter(b, a, x); save('ecg_distorted_2.txt', 'y', '-ascii'); Your task is to recover the signal x. Derive and implement a stable inverse system G. Using your inverse system, numerically find the ECG signal x. Submit your derivation of the inverse system, and plot the ECG signal x. Show the impulse response h and the convolutional inverse g. Verify the convolution of h and g is an impulse.