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MARK5814 Digital Marketing Assessment Information 1. Class Participation (10%). 2 2. Case Study (15%). 3. Individual Presentation (15%). 3 5 4. Group Project – Digital Marketing Plan (30%). 7 5. Individual Assignment – Digital Marketing Evaluation Report (30%). 13 MARK5814 T1-2024 Assessment Information 7 February 2024 2 1. Class Participation (10%) Class participation will provide opportunities for peer learning which will strengthen students’ ability to actively argue their decisions regarding digital marketing issues. This will foster the development and understanding for alternative approaches and provide an opportunity for reflective learning. This is designed to stimulate and encourage new ideas through the process of class discussion. Your participation includes the responsibility to share your understanding and judgment with the class in order to advance the group's collective skills and knowledge. This means we will need your active participation to make the class a rewarding experience for everyone. If you read the materials assigned for every class, thoroughly prepare cases, take part in pertinent discussions, listen to others with respect, you will be rewarded. Marking Criteria Weighting Evidence of preparation (e.g., advance reading of the related materials, such as book chapter, journal article or case) and ability to discuss/debate the issues. 35 Quality of expression and presentation of arguments. 30 Quality of contribution during the class and group discussion (e.g., using theory to explain real-world phenomena, using theory to propose a solution or identify a problem). 35 Total 100 Students are expected to thoroughly read any case discussion materials, textbook chapters or handout materials prior to the lecture and actively participate in discussions. Each week, students will be allocated textbook chapter or recommended article to read prior to attending the class. Active participation refers to making intelligent comments and providing arguments related to the discussion topic. You are also required to respond to the lecturer/tutor’s questions as much as you can during the class. Additionally, students should respond to the responses of others in the class. Moreover, each week, students will be asked to provide written comments or questions during class/tutorial exercises, either as a group or as an individual. If you are unable to attend the tutorial on a regular basis during the term and have a valid reason, please email Dr Terrence Chong ([email protected]) by 15 February 2024 to discuss an alternative arrangement. MARK5814 T1-2024 Assessment Information 7 February 2024 3 2. Case Study (15%) Due date: 16:00, Monday, 4 March 2024. Word limit: Maximum 750 words (All included except UNSW assignment cover sheet, references, and appendices). Submission: To TurnitinTM via Moodle. Task: You are required to analyse the case: Atomberg Technologies - Leveraging Digital Marketing to Accelerate Its Omnichannel Strategy https://hbsp.harvard.edu/tu/2d11e22c Please copy the entire link into a new browser window to get access to the case study. Based on the information provided in the case and your own research, answer all two questions below. Use theory and/or secondary data, e.g., published government report, consulting report to form critical discussions and support your arguments. 1. Conduct a situation analysis for Atomberg to identify a key marketing problem or opportunity in the Australian market if it decides to officially enter it. 2. Which two digital channels (as noted in case Exhibit 7) would you most recommend for launching a marketing campaign targeting the Australian market? Give reasons. Required format: • The School of Marketing Assignment Cover Sheet as the first page. • Question 1 answer. • Question 2 answer. • References. You are free to include an appendix; however, no mark is allocated to the information contained in the appendix.