BU527 Consumer Behavior Assignments Guide
Creation date:2024-06-08 18:11:20
Consumer Behavior Assignments Guide
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BU527 Consumer Behavior Assignments Guide
Individual Essay (40% of final mark)
• This assignment is mainly aimed to drive students to observe and pose an interesting question / phenomenon related to the general contents of
Consumer Behavior.
• Students should finish a 2-page short essay individually based on their own observation, understanding, thinking, interpretation with learned
theories/concepts/framework, etc.
• Contents and structure:
(1) Title;
(2) Noticed phenomena / question to your interest; (“what” type question)
(3) Your motivation on concerning this phenomenon/ question; (“why” type question)
(4) Your interpretation/ answer to this phenomena/ question with correspondent theoretical views; (“how” type question)
(5) Developed insights and reflective thinking from this phenomenon/question; (“how about” type question)
(5) References.
• Font: Times New Roman, 12
• Word limitation: 3,000 words
Final report (60% of final mark)
• This assignment provides students opportunity to explore their interested issue/ curious question through group discussion and learning in
the whole process of studying the course Consumer Behavior.
• The object and level of analysis could be an individual consumer (i.e, a family member), a subgroup of consumers according to different
categories (i.e., ethnic, place-based, age cohort).
• Students should focus their analytical work on interpreting what consumers want, why they purchase, how they make purchasing decision,
what internal and external factors impact their decision of purchasing by applying corresponded knowledge and theories from the course.
• The report should include students’ critical and reflective thinking to the analyzed consumption behavior in terms of ethical consumption
and its “being”.
Note: The individual essay and the group final presentation might have some overlaps on the topic, but different contents with each other.
Presentation marking criteria
Delivery of Presentation (25%)
Preparation of slides/materials/tables/figures etc.(10%)
Clarity of voice and spoken language (5%)
Organization and flow of presentation (5%)
Pace of presentation and time management (5%)
Background, relevant theory and analysis (75%)
Interesting of the topic: clarity and relevance of raised question (20%)
Application of related knowledge in analysis (30%)
Independent critical thinking (15%)
Answering questions (10%)