Department of Civil Engineering CEN331
Creation date:2024-06-08 17:55:05
Department of Civil Engineering
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Department of Civil Engineering
Composite Structures
Requirements and criteria
This coursework will count 100% towards the final mark of the CEN 331 module.
The coursework must be submitted online no later than midnight on the following date: Friday
15th Dec. 2023 on Learning Mall.
(1) Penalty for late submission: Standard University Scheme.
(2) No parts of the worked examples from books or lecture notes should be reproduced in
the submission.
Question 1:
Find a journal article studying a composite beam and explain the mechanical responses in a
composite beam. Your answer should relate to both theory and practical application aspects.
Use sketches and figures to help with your answer. Provide the article as an attachment.
[10 marks]
Question 2:
As the design engineer, you have to design the slabs and beams of a commercial building as
a composite beam/slab system with profile decking. The layout and a typical beam section are
shown in Figure 1. You need to follow UK standard for the steel and reinforcement strength
grades for all calculations.
Your case is chosen based on the last digit of your student ID.
For example, if your student ID is 1954834 your scenario is 4.
Figure 1. Floor layout and beam section (2 spans).
Table 1. Dimensions, concrete strengths and variable loads (Case Table).
Case Dimensions (m) Concrete
load (roof)
b1 b2 L1 L2
1 2.4 3 11 14 30 5.0 2.5
2 2.5 3.5 10 12 35 4.5 3
3 2 3 10 10 40 5 2
4 2.5 3 12 11 38 4 2.5
5 2.3 3.2 12 15 25 5 3
6 2.8 3.5 10 14 35 4.5 2
(i) Table 1 shows the dimensions, concrete strengths and variable loads for different cases.
a. Before proposing a composite beam proposal, you need to provide an estimate
of the sizes and reinforcement requirements for a reinforced concrete slab and
beam option.
[10 marks]
You have to design the composite beam as a two-spans continuous beam for a typical floor.
You can use an analysis software to analyse the beam. Consider the worst part of the beam
in your calculation. The composite slab should comprise of profiled sheeting and should be
considered as simply supported. Show all the calculations to propose and verify your proposed
design according to Eurocode 4 and other necessary Eurocodes. You can ignore vibration
As a guide, you need to present the following:
b. Structural analysis with different load combinations;
c. Construction and composite stages verification;
d. Shear connections (simplified method);
e. Ultimate limit state: Bending and shear resistance (and M-V interaction)
f. Serviceability limit state checks.
[30 marks]
(ii) Assuming that the building has N number of floors, design the ground floor (level 1)
composite column with fully concrete-encased H-section subjected to axial compression
and biaxial bending as shown in Figure 2 (a). The lengths of the columns are given in
Table 2. The moments My,Ed and Mz,Ed should be calculated with eccentricities and their
imperfections are given in Table 2. You will be randomly assigned one of the cases.
Show all the calculations including the loading combinations.
Table 2. Number of floors, column heights and eccentricities (Case Table).