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CSCI 1933 Project
1 Instructions
Please read and understand these expectations thoroughly. Failure to follow these instructions
could negatively impact your grade. Rules detailed in the course syllabus also apply but will not
necessarily be repeated here.
• Due: The project is due on December 11th by 11:55 PM.
• Identification: Place you and your partner’s x500 in a comment near the top of all files you
submit. Failure to do so may result in a penalty.
• Partners: You may work alone or with one partner. Failure to tell us who is your partner
is indistinguishable from cheating and you will both receive a zero. Ensure all code shared
with your partner is private.
• Code: You must use the EXACT class and method signatures we ask for. This is because
we may use a program to evaluate your code. Code that doesn’t compile will receive a
significant penalty. Code should be compatible with Java 17, which is installed on the CSE
Labs computers. Credit ALL outside references used in completing this project both in the
README and within the code that utilizes the referenced material.
• Questions: Questions related to the project can be discussed on Discord in abstract. This
relates to programming in Java, understanding the writeup, and topics covered in lecture and
labs. Do not post any code or solutions on the forum. Do not e-mail the TAs your
questions when they can be asked on Discord.
• Grading: Grading will be done by the TAs, so please address grading problems to them
privately through the ticket system on Discord or a private Piazza post.
• README: Make sure to include a README.txt in your submission that contains the
following information:
– Group member’s names and x500s
– Contributions of each partner (if applicable)
– Any assumptions
– Additional features that your project had (if applicable)
– Any known bugs or defects in the program
– Credit ALL outside references used in completing this project both in the README
and within the code that utilizes the referenced material.
– Academic Integrity statement
IMPORTANT: You are NOT permitted to use ANY built-in libraries, classes, etc...
besides java.awt.Color, java.util.Random, and java.util.Scanner. Double check that you
have NO import statements in your code, except for those explicitly permitted.
Code Style
Part of your grade will be decided based on the “code style” demonstrated by your programming.
In general, all projects will involve a style component. This should not be intimidating, but it is
fundamentally important. The following items represent “good” coding style:
• Use effective comments to document what important variables, functions, and sections of
the code are for. In general, the TA should be able to understand your logic through the
comments left in the code.
Try to leave comments as you program, rather than adding them all in at the end. Comments
should not feel like arbitrary busy work - they should be written assuming the reader is fluent
in Java, yet has no idea how your program works or why you chose certain solutions.
• Use effective and standard indentation.
• Use descriptive names for variables. Use standard Java style for your names: ClassName,
functionName, variableName for structures in your code, and ClassName.java for the file
Try to avoid the following stylistic problems:
• Missing or highly redundant, useless comments.
int a = 5; //Set a to be 5 is not helpful.
• Disorganized and messy files. Poor indentation of braces ({ and }).
• Incoherent variable names. Names such as m and numberOfIndicesToCount are not use-
ful. The former is too short to be descriptive, while the latter is much too descriptive and
• Slow functions. While some algorithms are more efficient than others, functions that are
aggressively inefficient could be penalized even if they are otherwise correct. In general,
functions ought to terminate in under 5 seconds for any reasonable input.
The programming exercises detailed in the following pages will both be evaluated for code style.
This will not be strict – for example, one bad indent or one subjective variable name are hardly a
problem. However, if your code seems careless or confusing, or if no significant effort was made to
document the code, then points will be deducted.
If you are confused about the style guide, please talk with a TA.
Project Structure
Your project submission must adhere to the following rules. Failure to do so will impact your grade.
1. Your submission should be one ZIP file named
2. The ZIP file should contain a single directory (folder) named
3. This directory should contain only these 2 files:
• Minefield.java
• main.java
• README.txt
For example, the following would be a valid project structure:
• shino012 hoang159 Project4.zip
– shino012 hoang159 Project4
∗ Minefield.java
∗ main.java
∗ README.txt
If you are working alone, just include your single x500 in the naming of the ZIP file and directory.
If you have any questions about this structure, ask a TA.
2 Introduction
Welcome to the fourth project in this course, for this project, you will utilize stacks and queues to
create our version of Minesweeper. If you are unfamiliar with the game, it is recommended that
you take a small amount of time to familiarize yourself with it. Here is the official Minesweeper
website: Click me! NOTE this website should be used as a BRIEF overview of minesweeper. We
will be implementing a slightly different version and so some rules may vary.
In Minefield, users are attempting to reveal every square of a given field while avoiding randomly
placed mines. Each square has a value (1-8), that tells the user how many mines surround it in a
3x3 tile. A flag allows users to skip over squares they believe to be mines. Hit a mine, and the
game is over. If you reveal all squares and place flags on all the mines, you win. For our version,
you will be playing on a field, which is a two-dimensional array that will contain all the relevant
information for the game.
There are two main features that require special attention to implement in Minefield: revealZeroes()
and revealStartingArea(). These methods allow the user to reveal all surrounding zeros on the field
and the first mine(s) found given two starting coordinates, respectively. In Minefield, when the
user chooses their starting coordinates, the game should reveal a large enough area to give enough
information to start solving the field. Additionally, if a user chooses a square with a ’0’ value in
it, meaning there are no mines, the field should also reveal all surrounding zeroes. These two
problems are suitable for utilizing stack and queue data structures and are the focus
of this project.
2.1 Background and Getting Started
More detail about each method will be found in their respective sections. You will also be given
a main class that has a game loop, similar to the one you made for the previous project. Do not
worry if you have not played Minesweeper before. It is recommended to play a few games of it to
familiarize yourself with it but the description below explains the premise of the game.
Minesweeper relies on 3x3 tiles. In each of the cells within this 3x3 tile, a value is given based on
the number of mines surrounding it.
Below is an example:
1. 0 0 0 0 0
0 1 1 1 0
0 1 * 1 0
0 1 1 1 0
0 0 0 0 0
2. 0 0 1 1 1
0 1 2 * 1
0 1 * 2 1
0 1 1 1 0
0 0 0 0 0
(1) Take note of how when no mines are present in a 3x3 area, a ’0’ is placed as the value.
(2) Here, and additional mine is placed, notice the difference in how now some cells have a ’2’.
2.2 Files Given
Along with the project write-up, you will be given the following files:
• Minefield.java The java class for your minefield implementation.
• Main.java the java class used to run Minefield
• Cell.java A helper class for Minefield
• NGen.java - Both the queue and stack structure will utilize this generic node class
• Q1.java - An interface for a generic queue
• Q1Gen.java - An implementation of a generic queue
• StackGen.java - An interface for a generic stack
• Stack1Gen.java - An implementation of a basic stack
You will not change any of the files given except for the class called Minefield. All other files are
provided with everything you should need.
2.3 Stack and Queue data structures
Both the stack and queue data structures provided have basic functionality. Take a look at both
classes to ensure you know how to instantiate and use them properly. They should be similar to
the examples you have seen in lecture.
3 Cell
You do not need to change the Cell class, but this section describes how a cell works. The cell class
is how we represent each of the squares in the field. The Cell class has the following attributes:
boolean revealed – True if this cell has been revealed to the user, false otherwise.
String status – Contains information regarding the Cell’s status.
"-" = Blank (defualt value)
"F" = Flagged by user
"M" = Mine
"0...9" = Number of mines in surrounding 3x3 tile.
Each of these attributes have setter and getter functions respectively.
4 Main
To play Minefield, the game will require a Main class. The exact implementation is up to you, but
the Main class should have a game loop and the ability to take in user input.
Furthermore, there is an order in which this game should flow. Specifically, three functions need
to be called in the following order: The order in which the game should begin is as follows:
1. When a game is started, the main class should instantiate a new Minefield based on user
input, as well as whether the game should be played in debug mode.
2. After this, the game now has an empty field with which it should place mines on. This is
done through the createMines() method.
3. Our field now has mines placed on it but does not have any useful information for the user.
To help the user, we can change the statuses of each cell to reflect how many mines surround
it. This is done through the evaluateField() method.
4. We are almost ready to begin playing, except our field does not have any of its cells revealed
to the user yet. To do this, we must call the revealStartingArea() method.
Finally, the user should be able to do basic things such as taking a guess at a cell. This means the
user can either attempt to reveal a cell they believe is safe or place a flag where they believe there
is a mine.
4.1 Additional Requirements
• The dimensions and the number of mines are based on three levels that the user can choose
– Easy: Rows: 5 Columns: 5 Mines: 5 Flags: 5
– Medium: Rows: 9 Columns: 9 Mines: 12 Flags: 12
– Hard: Rows: 20 Columns: 20 Mines: 40 Flags: 40
• Debug mode can either be on or off, if on, the entire board should be displayed with all cells
revealed each turn.
5 Minefield
The Minefield class is where the majority of the work will take place. The methods outlined
in the class will all need to be implemented, but you can add any additional methods
as you see fit.
Each of the methods have short descriptions of what they should return or what their purpose is.
Further information is given on specific methods in the following sections. All of these methods will
need to be implemented, but the following are descriptions about the more challenging methods.
5.1 guess
When a user guesses a coordinate, the guess() method should do the following. It first should see
if the guess is in-bounds—this may also be done in the Main class. Next, it should see if the user
wishes to place a flag and, if so, whether or not there are enough flags remaining to place the flag.
If the user did not place a flag, then the method should check to see if the user has hit a cell with
a ’0’ status. If so, call the revealZeroes() method.
Finally, if the user hits a mine, end the game. Make sure to also set the revealed status of the cell
that the user guesses at the end of the method.
5.2 createMines
This method will place all of our mines on our field. Until all mines has been placed, the method
should randomly generate coordinates to place a mine. Before placing a mine, the method should
check to see if this coordinate has not been revealed and is not already a mine, and is not equal
to the starting coordinates. Otherwise, a new coordinate pair should be generated.
5.3 revealZeroes
This method is used to reveal all surrounding zeroes when a user clicks on a square containing a
status of ”0”. At the bottom of the description you will see the desired output, notice how guessing
one zero reveals all zeroes nearby. Here we are using an algorithm using a stack to accomplish this.
Since a stack has a first-in-last-out structure, this will explore as far in one direction as possible for
a ’0’ status. The pseudo-code is as follows:
• Initialize a stack with the start index {x, y}. This should be the x and y values passed into
the method.
• Loop until the stack is empty:
– Get the top element off the stack.
– Set the corresponding cell’s revealed attribute as true.
∗ Push all valid neighbor’s coordinates to the stack. A valid neighbor is one who is
in-bounds, has not previously been revealed, and whose status is ”0”.
– Neighbors here are the cells located to the left, right, above, and down from the current
NOTE: This pseudo-code should appear familiar. This is very similar to a Depth-First Search
algorithm, this also shows why a stack is best used here.
5.4 revealStartingArea
This method will help us reveal enough information for the user to get started at the beginning of
each game. The image at the bottom shows the desired output. The goal of the algorithm is to
loop until a mine is found. This will reveal enough of the field to help the user. We are instead
using a queue here. The pseudo-code is as follows:
• Initialize a queue with the start index {x, y}. This should be the same x and y that were
passed into the method.
• Loop until the queue is empty:
– Dequeue the front cell of the queue.
– Set the corresponding cell’s revealed attribute as true.
– If the current cell is the finish point, meaning that the current cell is a mine, then break
from the loop. The algorithm is complete.
– Enqueue all reachable neighbors that are in-bounds and have not already been visited,
regardless of their statuses.
NOTE: This pseudo-code should appear familiar. This is very similar to a Breadth-First
Search algorithm, this also shows why a queue may be best here.
6 ANSI Color Codes
You have gotten used to printing out information and reading text from the terminal. Until now,
this has most likely always been in black and white. When playing Minefield, it would be useful to
the player if each number was a different color. We fortunately have a simple way to accomplish
this: ANSI Color Codes. These may look familiar to the previous project’s trick for displaying
ASCII characters. The basic colors have been provided to you, but feel free to add more.