ECON2560 (Globalization and Development)
Creation date:2024-06-06 17:57:46
Globalization and Development
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ECON2560 (Globalization and Development)
This task accounts for 45% of the total course assessment (Marks out of 100)
ONE Outstanding - Excellent (15-14) Very good - Good (13-11) Meets Expectations (10-8) Below Expectations (<8)
and socio-
trends (15%):
495-505 words
• Clearly positions the country in
global and regional contexts.
• Demonstrates focus and purpose
and engages the reader
extremely well.
• Refers to quality and recent
literature and evidence.
• Positions the country in
global and regional
• Demonstrates focus and
purpose and engages the
reader well.
• Refers to mostly quality and
recent literature and
• Positions the country in global and
regional contexts somewhat.
• Demonstrates focus and purpose to
some extent and engages the reader
• Reference to some quality literature
and evidence. Inclusion of further
quality literature would enhance the
• Does not properly position the
country in global and regional
• Lacks focus and purpose and does
not engage the reader well.
• Little reference to quality and recent
literature and evidence.
Mark Awarded
TWO Outstanding - Excellent (20-17) Very good - Good (16-15) Meets Expectations (14-10) Below Expectations (<10)
Relevance to
the growth
theory (20%):
695-705 words
• Well-written, structured, and
logically coherent
• Establishes the relevance of
theoretical underpinnings.
• References embody quality,
historical significance, recency,
and contextual relevance.
• Well-written, structured, and
logically coherent
• Establishes somewhat the
relevance of theoretical
• Most references embody
quality, historical
significance, recency, and
contextual relevance.
• Not consistently well-written,
structured, or logically coherent
• Establishes somewhat the relevance of
theoretical underpinnings.
• Fewer references embody quality,
historical significance, recency, and
contextual relevance.
• Lacks a clear structure and logical
• Does not clearly establish the relevance
of theoretical underpinnings.
• References mostly lack quality,
historical significance, recency, and
contextual relevance.
Mark Awarded
THREE Outstanding - Excellent (25-22) Very good - Good (21-19) Meets Expectations (18-13) Below Expectations (<13)
strategies, and
policies (25%):
745-755 words
• Provides a detailed and clear
analysis of the trajectory of
strategies and policies.
• Demonstrates a strong capacity
to critically evaluate the
country's capability to respond to
the changing global economic
• Demonstrates a strong skill in
assessing outcomes of strategies
and policies precisely and
• Provides a satisfactory
analysis of the trajectory of
strategies and policies.
• Demonstrates capacity to
critically evaluate the
country's capability to
respond to the changing
global economic landscape.
• Demonstrates some skill in
assessing outcomes of
strategies and policies well
• Provides an overview of the trajectory
of strategies and policies while
somewhat lacking in depth.
• Demonstrates some capacity to
critically evaluate the country's
capability to respond to the changing
global economic landscape.