BISM7213 – Business Information Security
Creation date:2024-06-06 17:05:09
Business Information Security
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Business Information Security
Assignment Overview
This assignment must be completed individually by each student. The submission deadline is 2pm, 06
Nov 2023. This assignment requires a student to answer 6 questions (each with sub-parts) that focus
on the course material covered across the course. Assignment 2 is worth 60% of the overall course
marks. A student’s answer to each of the 6 questions (that is, each question and all its sub-parts) cannot
exceed 300 words (+10% tolerance per UQ policy). This word limit per question requires a student to
soundly analyse/research each question and then structure a response in a concise, business-
informative fashion. There is no need to reference an answer unless referencing is specifically
requested in the question. A student must construct each answer in her/his own words – and in ‘plain
English’ business language (using the language we use in class and not too technical language that
would be more suited to computing science/engineering contexts). Please note that each question in
this assignment may well span work covered across all weeks (and not simply relate to one specific
This assignment assumes that a postgrad student is capable to assimilate information from not only
this course, but also many other courses and reputable sources on the Internet as would be required
in a business setting. Students are advised that the use of AI technologies to develop responses is
strictly prohibited and may constitute student misconduct under the Student code of Conduct. Each
assessment question evaluates students’ abilities, skills and knowledge without the aid of AI.
• PDF submission via Turnitin. Full details closer to submission date.
• Please ensure your student details (name, number, email address) are contained on each page of
the submission in a suitably designed footer.
• Clearly label which question and if relevant subquestion you answer (e.g., Question 6a)). You
don‘t have to repeat the question.
• Answer in full sentences but you may want to use bullet points, numbering, or headers to help
structuring your answer.
• Read each question carefully for additional formatting requirements specific to the question.
Assignment Marking Guide
Each submission will be marked as per the rubric in Table 1 (see following pages).