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5 mark available cap at 3.5 mark • Medicare would pay 100% of the total hospital cost cost (all included) /there would be no out of pocket if this was a public patient in a public hospital 0.5 mark Only 0.25 mark if say 100% of the MBS • Medicare only pays 75% of the cost 0.5 mark 0 mark if 85% • … of the MBS costs of specialists 0.75 mark Only 0.5 mark if MBS cost without mentioning specialists Only 0.25 mark if specialist but not MBS • Because private patient 0.25 mark Give the mark if the case public patient was mentioned earlier so obvious that it is a different case • Medibank complements/is on top of/is additional the contribution of Medicare OR because of private health insurance, most of the operation is covered OR medibank covers more than Medicare 0.5 mark 0.25 mark if only says Medibank contributes with no allusion to being additional to Medicare or no allusion to most cost covered • It covers the rest of MBS cost, some cost above MBS and the hospital accommodation costs 1 mark No mark for the remainder is covered by Medibank too vague (that would give mark for the previous point) 0.5 mark if only one of the three [could be given for any allusion of fees above MBS or more than 25%] 0.75 mark if two out of three 1 mark if three • Not all costs are covered by Medicare and Medibank OR out of pocket is what remains after Medicare and Medibank contribution OR 11% Medicare and Medibank covers 100% cost 0.5 mark No mark for out of pocket =500 as a repetition not an analysis Rescue 0.25 mark if clear list of the three contributors (only for students who do not get other marks) • … may be due to too high specialist costs well above MBS and excess in the policy 0.5 mark 0.25 mark for one 0.5 mark for two • The lack of an excess indicates that this graph assumes the highest quality insurance policy OR excess is the part that patient must pay even though covered OR lower excess if high premium 0.25 mark No mark if says defined in the policy as already in the text • Because this estimate assumes the use of a Medibank Members’ Choice Hospitals, the estimate is likely to be higher/unfavourable if having this operation as a different hospital 0.25 mark Add manual extra mark for any valid point not captured in the marking guide. Feedback Cap at 3.5 marks Copy paste (select keep formatting when prompted) X Xwx XWXX xx Total ? capped at 3.5 Each letter represents a dot point in the argumentation above, presented in the same order and with the same grouping. y=0.25 mark; Y=0.5 mark; z=0.75 mark; Z=1 mark; x is replaced by the marker by y (for 0.25 mark) if the point was well addressed or o (for 0 mark) if the point was missing or incorrect. X is replaced by the marker by Y (for 0.5 mark) if the point was well addressed y (for 0.25 mark) if the point was addressed but incomplete or with minor mistake or o (for 0 mark) if the point was missing or completely incorrect. w is replaced by the marker by z (for 0.75 mark) if the point was well addressed Y (for 0.5 mark) or y (for 0.25 mark) if the point was addressed but incomplete (guideline below each point) or o (for 0 mark) if the point was missing or completely incorrect. W is replaced by the marker by Z (for 1 mark) if the point was well addressed z (for 0.75 mark) Y (for 0.5 mark) or y (for 0.25 mark) if the point was addressed but incomplete (guideline below each point) or o (for 0 mark) if the point was missing or completely incorrect.