DATA2001 – Assignment 3 Marking Grid
Creation date:2024-06-05 17:39:19
Assignment 3 Marking Grid
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DATA2001 – Assignment 3 Marking Grid
Task 1 Missing or
incorrect answer
Used an appropriate index for
data handling. Provided no
side information or incorrect
reasoning on choice of side
information. (1)
Used an appropriate index for
handling and identified useful
side information. Failed to
merge data correctly or
provided poor or incorrect
reasoning. (2-3)
Used an appropriate index for
handling and identified useful
side information. Merged data
correctly, and provided sound
reasoning for choice. (4)
Task 2 Missing or
incorrect answer
Produced some basic
timeseries plots, but no
attempt at visualising
correlation or uncertainty. No
discussion of patterns in plots
provided. (1)
Produced some basic timeseries
plots, and attempted to
visualise correlation or
uncertainty. Provided simple
discussion of patterns in plots.
Produced complete set of
timeseries plots including
visualisations of correlation
and/or uncertainty. Provided
good discussion of patterns in
plots. (4)
Task 3 Missing or
incorrect answer
Test and training data
correctly split. Decomposition
attempted but incorrectly
performed or interpreted,
and/or no attempt to visualise
de-composition components.
Test and training data correctly
split. Decomposition procedure
followed but poor interpreta-
tion given. Some attempt to
visualise decomposition
components (3-4)
Test and training data correctly
split. Decomposition performed
and excellent interpretation
provided. Decomposition
components appropriately
visualised. (5)
Task 4 Missing or
incorrect answer
Appropriate ARIMA model
estimated but interpretation
of parameter estimates poor.
Method used to produce
forecasts contained errors. No
attempt at visualising
forecasts provided. (1)
Appropriate ARIMA model
estimated and displayed good
understanding of parameter
estimates. Forecasts generated
using correct method and an
attempt was made to visualise
them. (2-3)
Appropriate ARIMA model
estimated displayed good
understanding of parameter
estimates. Forecasts generated
using correct method and
appropriately visualised,
including uncertainty. (4)
Task 5 Missing or
incorrect answer
Chose an appropriate pure
forecaster but failed to train it
correctly. Method used to
produce forecasts contained
errors. No attempt at
visualising forecasts. (1)
Chose an appropriate pure
forecaster and trained it
correctly. Forecasts generated
using correct method and an
attempt was made to visualise
them. (2-3)
Chose an appropriate pure
forecaster and trained it
correctly. Forecasts generated
using correct method and
appropriately visualised,
including uncertainty. (4)
Task 6 Missing or
incorrect answer
Displayed correct
understanding of forecast
evaluation methods, but
incorrectly applied. Provided
no comparison of forecasters
and no avenues for
improvement. (1-2)
Displayed good understanding
and application of forecast
evaluation methods. Provided a
good comparison of forecasting
approaches and identified valid
avenues for future forecaster
improvement. (2-3)
Displayed excellent
understanding and application
of forecast evaluation methods.
Provided a very good
comparison of forecasting
approaches and identified good
avenues for future forecaster