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CCB303 - Assessment
Assessment 3 – Report Task overview Assessment Name Report Task Description In groups, you are required to produce a professionally presented and comprehensive project report that documents the different steps you have taken in this research, and details the most significant findings (see below for more instructions on how to organise the report). Due Date Refer to the Canvas site. Length 2000 words (+/- 10%). Weighting 40% Individual or Group Group (a maximum 4 people per group). Learning Outcomes Measured 1. Apply knowledge of digital media and communication theory and methods to understand and address real-world problems; 2. Apply an understanding of effective professional, ethical, and socially-responsible communication conduct and practice; 3. Apply existing disciplinary knowledge and professional skills to produce a real-world project or a series of projects; 4. Work effectively in a collaborative environment, providing support and advice to fellow team members. Task Instructions Task Fundamentals 1. Carefully read the Criterion Reference Assessment (CRA) sheet featured on the last two pages of this document. CCB303 - Assessment 3 Page 2 of 5 2. Use the following questions to help you build your project report: a. What is the current state of your chosen subject matter/topic? b. What are your initial datasets? c. What is your research question/s? d. What methods will you use to study your topic (data collection and analysis)? e. What are your main findings? f. What further research could be done in this area? 3. Support your arguments using academic literature, and other relevant sources of information. You will be organised into groups in Week 8 of the semester. Refer to Canvas for more information on how to join a group. Presentation Requirements A Project Report template can be found on Canvas. Resources for Task Completion • CCB303 unit materials.(available on the Canvas site). • Independent research. • QUT Cite|Write APA guide. Submission Information Submission Requirements This report needs to be an Adobe PDF or Microsoft Word document. Don’t forget to include your names, student numbers, tutorial time and day, and the name of your tutor on the cover page. Please note: On submission, you are declaring that, unless otherwise acknowledged, this submission is wholly yours and/or the group's work and it has not been used and already submitted. I/We understand that this work may be submitted for plagiarism check and consent to this taking place. Moderation All staff who are assessing your work meet to discuss and compare their judgements before marks or grades are finalised. Refer to MOPP C/5.1.7. CCB303 - Assessment 3 Page 3 of 5 Academic Integrity As a student of the QUT academic community, you are asked to uphold the principles of academic integrity during your course of study. QUT sets expectations and responsibilities of students specifically stating that students “adopt an ethical approach to academic work and assessment in accordance with this policy and the Student Code of Conduct (E/2.1)". Students need to be aware that academic integrity refers to text and non-text sources, i.e. "copying or adapting non-text based material created by others, such as diagrams, designs, musical score, audio- visual materials, art work, plans, code or photographs without appropriate acknowledgement" (MOPP C/5.3.6 Academic Integrity). It also includes self-plagiarism, this “involves the re-use by a student of their own work without appropriate acknowledgement of the source. Students should seek express consent from the unit coordinator prior to re-using their own work in an assessment submission" (MOPP C/5.3.6 Academic Integrity). Students are expected to demonstrate their own understanding and thinking using ideas provided by ‘others’ to support and inform their work, always acknowledging the source. While we encourage peer learning, it is not appropriate to share assignments with other students unless your assessment piece has been stated as being a group assignment. If you do share your assignment with another student, and they copy all or part of your assignment for their submission, this is considered collusion and you may be reported for academic misconduct. CCB202 - Assessment 3 Page 4 of 5 CCB303 | Digital Media Project | Report | Assessment 3 | Marking Rubric The purpose of this qualitative rubric is purely for your feedback. The marker will decide on the grade/mark to put on the assessment.