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SCDM71-316 - Structures and Materials
Submission Summary
Submission Type Group Submission (No more than two students)
Submission Type iLearn submission through SafeAssign (plagiarism checking)
Assignment weighting 30% of the overall grade for this subject
Project details
This project requires you to interpret and evaluate a structure in the built environment. Engineers make
decisions on materials, member shape and the connections for the individual members that make up a
structure based on their understanding of how each of them performs under loading and over time. This
project requires you to be that engineer and consider how these factors influence material choice and
building shape.
You (an engineer) have been approached by a client who wished to build a tall timber building in Robina
on the Gold Coast. The client recently visited Canada where he was inspired by the innovative timber
building named, “Origine” and now wishes for a very similar building to be built in Robina.
In preparation for the future development, you will need to assess the “Origine, - a 13-Storey Timber
Building” from an engineering point of view. The following tasks are to be completed as you assess the
structural performance of the building and prepare some details for the design and construction of the
same building in Robina, Gold Coast, Australia.
Getting Started:
Some of the resources for the building have been provided on iLearn. This is not an exhaustive list and
therefore you are encouraged to seek additional resources where necessary (e.g. other Tall Timber
buildings) to assist with your understanding of how structures behave and in particular tall timber
structures. You will need to review how each of these structures have managed durability and load paths
(vertical and lateral) to complete your understanding of how Origine building has been designed.
The following prescriptive tasks have been prepared to guide you through your analysis of this building
and the considerations required for its construction locally.
SCDM71-316 Structures and Materials
Respond to the following tasks in your report:
1. Provide a summary of the structure detailing the design philosophy of the structure (consider
aesthetics, function and design statements) (~150 words) (3 marks)
Dead loads
2. Provide your understanding of the elements contributing to the dead load.