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CCB302, Digital Media Analytics, Assessment One
Due Date Refer to Canvas
Length 2000 words (maximum)
Weight 50%
Individual/Group Individual
Submission Items A report (Word or PDF)
A Tableau Workbook (Packaged Workbook in .twbx format)
The aim of the A2 project is to build on your skills working with larger social media metadata
datasets (from YouTube), and perform mixed methods analyses using industry-standard tools.
Students are asked to create visualisations in Tableau and Leximancer and prepare an analytical
I mentioned this conference paper & video during the last lecture. It features a presentation by
QUT Digital Media Research Centre Professor Laureate Axel Bruns titled From Cable Niche to
Social Media Success: International Engagement with Sky News Australia's Brand of 'News' (AoIR 2021),
You may wish to view it if you discuss the finding that Sky
News Australia is the dominant content publisher on the Voice Referendum both before & after
It is a requirement of the ethical clearance you have received in this unit that you do
not publish any identifiable information about your datasets in this assignment. What
you find through your analysis of the datasets should only be shared with the teaching
team and must not be disclosed elsewhere.
Making any aspect of your datasets public (such as posting on social media about it) is
in violation of your ethical clearance and will result in disciplinary action.
There are three steps to doing this assignment.
Step One: Read the A2 Project Brief (a separate document)
Read the A2 Project Brief carefully. It contains a list of questions related to metrics, tool used to
gather the social media metadata, the data dictionary, and other governance considerations.
The datasets you have been provided with contain YouTube video metadata. We are providing
you with more prompts than can be answered in a single report. It is up to you to decide which
questions to answer. You do not get more points for answering a greater number of questions.
Rather, you will be assessed on your in-depth analysis of the data and inclusion of relevant
There are prompts that can be answered easily, without creating visualisations. Others can be
answered using clear, simple visualisations (i.e., right choice of graph, legible axes, clear and legible
Step Two: Analysis and Visualisations in Tableau
As in A1, this data was collected using Youte. a tool developed by the QUT Digital Observatory
that collects and tidies YouTube video metadata and comments using the YouTube API v.3.
Please see the Youte documentation to familiarise yourself with the tool
You are not expected to install or run the tool for
this project. You should understand who produced the tools used for data extraction and cite
them accordingly. **
You should refer to the YouTube API Data Dictionary (see below). When writing, use the
field names and descriptions when talking about the metadata fields. For example, if
discussing the keywords associated with a video, you might say, ‘the tags used for this video
were X, Y and Z’ and list them in a table. **
Steps for Analysis
a) Join the datasets as you did for A1. This time, you have two sets of data, ‘before Garma’
and ‘after Garma’ to allow you to do some temporal analysis.
b) Review some of the comments in Tableau or a spreadsheet (that doesn’t truncate the
content) to get a sense of the data & insights you may wish to drill into.
c) You are to perform an analysis demonstrating your understanding of why digital analytics
matters, and how it is performed, this time using multi-method content analysis.
d) Then, respond to a selection of the questions below (‘Prompts for your analysis’).
e) Be creative and explore the data with an open mind, incorporating concepts discussed in
all the lectures, L1 – Why does digital analytics matter? thru L6 – Bringing it all together).
f) You may focus on YouTube and why its participatory culture, (YouTube’s core business
discussed in Lecture #4).
g) Alternatively, you may choose to drill down to the dynamics of how various publishers used
YouTube during a key inflection point in modern Australian history to hold the Voice
Referendum. Consider the stance/positionality of the publishers (conservative through
progressive), funding model (privately held or publicly funded). Did they increase or
decrease the publications on YouTube before or after the Garma Festival. **
h) Discuss insights the data reveals. You are intended to show an understanding of the
concepts & readings discussed in CCB302, and background knowledge you have as a
Communication major.