FINM8007 Topics in International Finance
Creation date:2024-06-04 15:39:42
Topics in International Finance
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FINM8007 Topics in International Finance
Group Assignment
• This assignment is worth 35% of your overall marks for this course.
• Each group will be allocated with a company. Each company should be unique and situations
that each company are facing with are different, which means the analyses in your report should
be unique. You must complete this report within your own group. If you copy other groups’
work or allow your group’s work to be copied, the whole group will receive a mark of zero for
the assignment and risk very severe academic consequences.
• All parts of the report MUST be typed. The main body must be no longer than 6 pages, with
the following format:
– Single-sided, single spaced, size 12 Calibri font, no less than 2.2cm margins on all sides
– The first page of your report must be the title page.
– The second page is the executive summary with no more than 200 words, followed by a
table specifying the team members’ contribution in each part of your report. E.g., Sum-
mary (XXX 70%, YYY 30%); Competitive Advantage (SSS 60%, ZZZ 40%); Currency
Forecasting (YYY 50%, ZZZ 50%); etc
– The 6-page limit does NOT include cover sheet, title page, executive summary page, table
of contents, and appendices. Reference/graphs/tables/calculations can be placed in the
appendices, but MUST be properly cross-referenced in the main report.
• Please name your submission “Course code Group number”, e.g., “FINM8007 Group123”.
The format of the report must be in PDF. Before uploading to Wattle you must combine the
following into a SINGLE pdf document:
1. The assignment cover sheet (available to download from Wattle), with signature of all
your group member.
2. Your assignment/report (title page, executive summary, table of contents, main report
and appendices, etc.)
• Please submit your report and via Turnitin on Wattle. Please designate one member to
do the submission. Do NOT zip the report.
• Please refer to the marking rubric for complete details on marking (base score & penalty).
• Please check the course forum regularly for any updates/clarifications on the instructions.
Semester 2, 2023
• Late submissions will NOT be accepted.
• Standard ANU policies for academic integrity apply to this assignment.
Research, Resources & Referencing
• The internet is an excellent source of information. Reliable sources include:
– Company webpage, SEC filings, other government and regulatory filing, etc
– Refinitiv Eikon for company and market data via two dedicated kiosks in the Chifley
– For tips or support for report writing, please reach out for help with ANU Academic
– All material should be properly cited in the Harvard referencing style. Samples of “suffi-
cient and correct” reference include:
Working as a Team & Making Contributions
“. . . [T]he ability to work effectively and harmoniously in a group is a strength that employers want
their employees to have. In fact, they will likely ask you how you function in a team during the
interview process, so come prepared with an anecdote that highlights your ability to compromise and
collaborate.” (
Job applications and interviews look for previous work experience and ability to work in a team. In
this assignment, you will work within a team to accomplish a task - just as in a professional job.
Achievements in this assignment and good team work can enhance your resume!
To work effectively as a team and to ensure your individual contribution to this team work is recog-
nised, please:
• Meet regularly to discuss your expectations and assign responsibility
• For each part in the report, specify the team member(s) in charge for the part and specify each
member’s percentage contribution. The allocation should be agreed by all members who sign
the submitted assignment coversheet
• Every member MUST contribute equally
An important aspect of effective team work is to identify teamwork issues EARLY and
manage the situation professionally (see tips below). If there is an unmanageable issue despite
best efforts, please keep a record of the evidence and reach out to the lecturer or marking tutor as
early as possible. Tips for effective team work could be found in the ANU Study Skills website
Semester 2, 2023
Tasks (35 marks)
You are a team of 6 consultants evaluating a multinational company’s international opera-
tions. Your team will deliver a 6-page typed report that will
1. Research and summarize the company’s domestic and international operations (include
any announced & planned future expansions) as of 2023
2. Identify advantages and objectives motivating the company’s overseas expansion
3. Identify the company’s major risk exposures of its international operations (include
foreign exchange risks, and any other risks that are relevant as discussed in the course)
4. Select two foreign currencies that pose significant foreign currency risk for the company,
analyse potential movements of these currencies for the next year – i.e., Septermber
2023 through to September 2024 – relative to the company’s functional currency
5. Identify the company’s existing (if any) risk management policies. Evaluate these
policies and assess whether these may or may not be effective. For policies identified
as less effective, propose alternatives that make sense given the company’s existing
6. Assess whether the company’s existing international strategy may be value maximizing,
state your recommendations (e.g., expand further into specific areas, or cut back on
international operations in light of risks/potentials)
These deliverables are inter-related, one deliverable leads naturally to the next.
In a good report, analyses presented in each part must be consistent with anal-
yses in other parts.