Creation date:2024-06-04 14:53:08
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Your Task Assignment 2 requires you to study in depth one topic of interest from the
field of business information systems (BIS), and to present your findings in
class and in a written report.
This assignment is a group assignment (of two to three members) where
each individual has their own part to play. The written report has an
individual reflection section as an individual assessment component of this
Submission ● Via Moodle Assignment Submission.
● Research report format: Word doc
● File name: FIT9123_Assignment2_StudentID.doc(x)
● Turnitin will be used for similarity checking of all submissions.
● Please refer to the marking rubrics available on the unit’s Moodle site for
Late Penalties ● 10% deduction per day
● Submissions more than 7 calendar days after the due date will receive a
mark of zero (0) and no assessment feedback will be provided.
The management board of your organisation asked your group to report on a specific area of
business information systems (BIS) that the organisation is interested in for future development.
The purpose of this project is to familiarise your audience with examples of current and emerging
issues, technologies, and concepts that your organisation may invest for the future.
This assignment requires you to study in depth one topic of interest from the BIS field, and to
present your findings in class and in a written report. The presentation allows you to receive
formative feedback for your written report.
The presentation should demonstrate that your group (of two or three members) has started
investigating, reviewing and synthesising the literature for your chosen topic. The report should
demonstrate that your group has investigated, reviewed and effectively synthesised the literature
for your chosen topic, and that you have been able to assemble a coherent argument of your view
on this topic. In addition, the report should also highlight the current state of a particular type
and/or issue of BIS, and address how organisations are currently using the BIS and/or are impacted
on by the issue, i.e. what a manager should know about it and any additional references or sources
of information for others who may wish to learn more.
You might cover the definition, name the key vendors or players, discuss the history (VERY briefly),
current state, discuss managerial issues, give some examples of use or impact, and provide some
recommendations to the board of the organisation.
The individual reflection section should demonstrate your individual learning experience when
studying the topic of interest in depth.
Topics may be chosen from the following areas of topics:
1. Adoption and/or implementation of a particular type of BIS (e.g., DSS, CRM, ERP, SCM,
Healthcare system, etc.) in a specific industry sector (such as financial services,
manufacturing, health care, education) or in a particular country (e.g., Australia)
2. Adoption and/or implementation of new technology(ies) (e.g., cloud computing, big data
analytics, IoT) & its(their) opportunities and challenges
3. Organisational issues in a particular type of BIS implementation (e.g., DSS, CRM, ERP, SCM,
Healthcare system, etc.) and success and failure of the BIS implementation
4. Organisational issues of technology(ies) implementation (e.g., cloud computing, big data
analytics, IoT) and success and failure of the implementation
5. IT sourcing (insourcing, near-sourcing, outsourcing) benefits and challenges for a particular
BIS (e.g., DSS, CRM, ERP, SCM) for a specific industry (such as financial services,
manufacturing, health care, education)
The topics given above may be modified, scaled down, merged or applied in a distinctive way to a
particular context, country, industry sector or organisation. Consult with your tutors on your
chosen topic.
There is no specific format or template for the presentation. Each group has 10 minutes to present
including Q&A. A general guideline is to prepare for a 6-minutes presentation to allow for Q&A.
It should not be an essay format. The length of the written report should be between 2,000 and
2,400 words (including the executive summary, tables, figures, and appendixes and excluding
As part of the research report, each team member is required to write an individual reflection
within max. 400 words. The individual reflection section should demonstrate your learning
experience when studying the topic of interest in depth, i.e., your pre-existing knowledge about
the chosen topic, experience of knowledge improvement due to the research conducted, what
were the expected findings, what were the unexpected findings, and what related topic would you
suggest your organisation investigate next.
You should look at the library materials available (see IT: Reflective writing) to develop your skill for
reflective writing.
This section should be appended to and submitted together with the research report. Each team
member should add their individual reflection (clearly writing their name and student ID) at the
end of the research report.
Please use Times New Roman or Arial font style, font size 12, and single space. Each page must be
numbered, and include an appropriate header containing your student ID, name, and unit code.
At least 12 (TWELVE) significant references should be accessed for the assignment and listed at the
end of the report. These may include websites and newspaper articles and should be as current
and substantive as possible – you are expected to provide at least 2 (TWO) references to material
published very recently (within the last 1-2 years) and at least 5 (FIVE) journal/conference articles.
Sources should be substantial, that is, more than two pages in length, representing the key
theorists/practitioners in the field, and including recent perspectives on the topic.
All sources of information must be fully and appropriately acknowledged in in-text citation and
reference list. The basic citing and referencing requirements are:
● all sources appropriately cited and referenced using the APA citation style (APA 7th - Citing
and referencing - Subject guides at Monash University),
● any direct quotes from sources clearly identified as such with the use of quotation marks, a
citation and a reference, and
● no patchwork paraphrasing.
You are encouraged to use materials from a variety of sources BUT materials copied from
other sources that are NOT acknowledged in appropriate references will be considered as
plagiarism which is a serious offense that will result in failure.
You are not prohibited from using Generative AI (such as ChatGPT, etc.) in this assignment, but
caution must be taken as it has been found that contents generated by ChatGPT are often
unreliable and references need to be cross-checked as they are either unavailable or might not
contain the generated information. Note that the use of such tools should be done following
Monash policy:
The Monash University Library and Portfolio of the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Education)
recommend that a combination of the following should be used to acknowledge the use of
generative artificial intelligence in academic work:
If ChatGPT or other Generative AI tools was used, follow the referencing instruction below:
ChatGPT (2023, Month Day). [PROMPT used]. [chat session url]
For example,
ChatGPT (2023, February 27). What are the challenges of Cloud-based system adoption?
Plagiarism occurs when students fail to acknowledge that the ideas of others are being used.
Specifically, it occurs when:
● other people’s work and/or ideas are paraphrased and presented without a reference;
● other people’s work is copied either in whole or in part;
● other people’s designs, codes or images are presented as the student’s own work;
● phrases and passages are used verbatim without quotation marks and/or without a
reference to the author or a web page;
● lecture notes are reproduced without due acknowledgement.