COMM5030 Social Entrepreneurship Practicum
Creation date:2024-06-04 14:03:53
Social Entrepreneurship Practicum
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COMM5030 Social Entrepreneurship Practicum – Project Brief
Business overview ReLove is a charity that is rethinking the way we support people moving out of
crisis care and into long term stable housing. We work with women and children
escaping domestic violence, people experiencing homelessness, people seeking
asylum, and men and women coming out of incarceration. Over 50% of the
people we support are First Nations people.
When families in crisis access social and transitional housing, they often have
very few possessions and a limited capacity to furnish a new home. At ReLove,
we have created a free department store for referred clients to choose
everything they need to set up their home, giving them the agency to choose
how they want to live. Our team then moves people into their homes, setting up
their home to be ready to sleep in on their first night.
We rescue great quality furniture and household items from corporate
relocations, companies with excess stock and from the community. This provides
a significant environmental impact of over 2,000 tonnes of furniture being
diverted from landfill every year.
ReLove currently relocates 10-15 families per week, operating 3 days per week
(in 2022, we helped over 700 families). Our goal is to reach more families in crisis.
Project Scaling our online presence – a social enterprise to sell great quality furniture
to help fund ReLove
Project description ReLove is seeking to establish a social enterprise arm, selling great quality
furniture, to help fund the operating costs of the charity. ReLove receives
furniture at scale from corporate relocations, companies with excess stock and
the community. With the consent of the furniture donors, ReLove will sell excess
household and some office furniture stock direct to the public via an online store
and/or shopfront in inner Sydney. This will include: dining chairs, single arm
chairs, kitchen stools, dining tables, office chairs, office desks, other office
furniture, couches, lamps. The pre-loved great quality furniture items will be sold
at a discount to the new furniture items. The store will focus on higher end
designer furniture suitable for both the corporate and retail markets, but will also
include cheaper items to appeal to the retail market.
The online store will be set up using ReLove’s existing store (Shopify).
Project deliverables The team should be able to demonstrate an understanding of:
• The second-hand furniture retail market (household and office)
• Emissions saved by repurposing household and office furniture
• The sectors and expertise required to flesh out the strategy
COMM5030 Social Entrepreneurship Practicum – Project Brief
The team should provide the client with:
• A clear and quantified strategic ambition that frames the size and nature
of the second hand furniture (household and office) market in Australia
• Stakeholder matrix that provides an understanding of the preloved
furniture market that may support (customers and suppliers) or hinder
(competitors) us from developing and delivering on the strategy. The
stakeholder matrix should detail customer segments in both the
corporate and consumer second-hand furniture markets.
• Sales and marketing strategy to develop online and maximise our sales
reach in the second hand furniture market
• When considering our online presence, what will be the customer
• What are some of the implementation considerations and challenges?
Contact Person/s Ben Stammer
Other Information Examples of second-hand furniture stores (some with and/or physical stores):
(Teams to research the markets and analyse other second-hand stores).