CLO2: Analyse the economic impacts of IS security threats on enterprises.
Creation date:2024-06-03 17:48:40
Analyse the economic impacts of IS security threats on enterprises.
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ICT Information Systems Security (2350)
Learning Outcomes
The targeted Course Learning Outcomes for this assessment are:
• CLO1: Investigate relevant information sources of Information
Systems (IS) security threats and communicate individual/team
research findings.
• CLO2: Analyse the economic impacts of IS security threats on
• CLO3: Outline the technologies that allow IS security threats to be
Assessment details
Understanding programming is necessary from two perspectives. First, to be
able to write a specialist program to do a specific task, whether it is to perform
interactive tasks, extract information or act as a malware or virus! Secondly,
understanding programming can highlight potential security flaws that can
occur in code segments.
Part A requirements (14 marks)
This practical exercise will incorporate various items of knowledge discussed in
the tutorials. The scenario is to produce a trojan horse program that will
extract information from a computer and save it externally (e.g., on an FTP
site). For this part of the exercise, you should think like a hacker to determine
how you can make someone a victim of a social engineering attack. In this
case, you will have to come up with a believable background story so that a
victim is likely to copy and execute the program you develop. When a user
(i.e., victim) executes your program, it will essentially capture the details of the
user’s computer and other relevant information, and upload them to a sftp
server. You need to setup a SFTP server before the victim executes the
program so that the program can transmit data. See the following description
for an example background story (You need to come up with your own
background story) that shows how the background story of a social
engineering attack may look like:
The example here is eHarmony. A USB stick is freely distributed in an
organisation. One of the files on this memory stick is called “eHarmony.exe”
(or some other executable code) and there is another file called
“eHarmony.readme.txt”. This text file advises the reader how to execute the
“eHarmony.exe” program to access a website that will help them to find their
perfect partners. However, in the background,
this malware actually captures important information from the victim's
computer and sends them to the hacker.
Please note that the above is just an example story, and you should come up
with your own version of the story. You will get minimum to no marks for
repeating a similar story. The virus can be delivered and deployed using any
necessary means. Your job is to plan a sophisticated attack with an interesting
and believable story. Please see the marking rubric for further details on what
is required for achieving different grades. You will be assessed based on your
successful demonstration and background story. You must describe the
scenario in the video. The target OS will be Windows. You can install and use
the virtual machine for windows if you are a mac user. You can assume that
the required tools, e.g., WinSCP are already installed on Victim's computer and
highlight this in your report.