COMP3900/COMP6390 Human-Computer Interaction
Creation date:2024-06-03 17:15:20
Human-Computer Interaction
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COMP3900/COMP6390 Human-Computer Interaction Assessment
1.3.6 Planned outputs
Describe the key planned outputs of your discovery research.
Note: Supporting guidance covered in week 4 lecture.
1.3.7 Supporting materials - please provide any discussion guides and consent forms in
an appendix or supporting materials section, and refer to it in your research methods
Provide any supporting material you intend on using in your research e.g. discussion guide,
consent form, observation guide etc.
Note: This is briefly discussed in the week 3 lecture and expanded on in week 4 lecture.
1.3.8 References
Please include any references you've used in this section. If you've used textbooks, articles,
webpages or anything, including personal communications, to inform your thinking, please
reference according to Harvard referencing style.
CRICOS Provider #00120C
1.4 Marking rubric – marks out of 100 converted to 10% of overall grade
MARKS /100 Poor (N) Satisfactory (P) Good (C) Superior (D) Exceptional (HD)
missing or
Project background
described, with some
missing or insufficient
Project background described
including the topic chosen, a
review of the topic area and
sets up the research
objectives adequately.
Project background
described clearly including
the topic chosen, a review of
the topic area and sets up the
research objectives well.
Project background described
clearly including the topic
chosen, a review of the topic area
and articulates a compelling case
for the research objectives.
missing or
Research objectives
are only partially
related to topic choices
given in 1.2.
Research objectives relate to
the topic choices given in 1.2.
Some details may be unclear.
Research objectives relate to
the topic choices given in 1.2
and are clearly stated.
Research objectives relate to the
topic choices given in 1.2, are
clearly stated and justified.
missing or
Attempt made to
outline research
methods, with missing
or incomplete
information or
At least two research methods
outlined and attempt made to
justify these choices. Some
information incomplete or
unclear e.g. feasibility of
At least two research
methods outlined and
choices justified. Possible
issues with feasibility or
ability to demonstrate
At least two research methods
clearly outlined and choices well justified. Research methods are
feasible and appropriate for the context with possibilities for
triangulation. Participants,
recruitment & planned outputs
Information missing or insufficient.
Partial information
relating to participants, recruitment, timeline
and planned outputs. Information relating to
participants, recruitment, timeline and planned outputs
made, with some errors. Information relating to
participants, recruitment, timeline and planned outputs
complete and adequate.Information relating to
participants, recruitment,timeline and planned outputs complete and clear.