CYB102: Introduction to Media and Entertainment Industries
Creation date:2024-06-03 17:04:16
Introduction to Media and Entertainment Industries
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CYB102: Introduction to Media and
Entertainment Industries
Assessment Task 1
CYB102: Introduction to Media and Entertainment Industries – Assessment Task 1 Page 2 of 5
Assessment Task 1
Task overview
Assessment name: Examination
Task description: In this Take Home Exam, you will write a series of short answer
responses. Each question will ask you to describe, explain or analyse a
key concept from class. Each written response will include a required
word count.
Each response must:
• Demonstrate a clear understanding and application of key
concepts and theoretical frameworks discussed in class
• Include specific examples/evidence from the provided case
study to support your analysis
• Support your analysis with relevant industry and academic
research and evidence where appropriate
Learning outcomes
1. Describe and explain the theoretical and practical implications of the
media and entertainment industries in political, economic, and social
2. Identify, compare, and contrast common industry structures and
functions, regulatory and technological conditions, and professional
practices in the media and entertainment industries.
Due date: The Take Home Exam paper will be made available on Canvas on
Monday 11 September by 9:00am.
The Take Home Exam response is due Sunday 17 September 11:59pm
via Canvas.
Estimated time to
complete task:
Approximately 10 hours.
Length: 1400-1600 words
Weighting: 50%
Individual/Group: Individual
Authentic Assessment: Yes No
Formative/Summative: Summative
How will I be assessed: 7-point grading scale using a rubric
CYB102: Introduction to Media and Entertainment Industries – Assessment Task 1 Page 3 of 5
Task details
What you need to do: 1. Read the Assessment details and rubrics sheet.
2. Download the Take Home Exam paper.
3. Read through each question carefully, identify the requirements.
4. Write your responses to each question in the take-home exam booklet
provided, referring to any supporting material provided and include
necessary research citations.
5. Save as PDF and submit to Canvas.
Formatting requirements: This assessment task must be presented in the take-home exam booklet
• 12-point font
• Double linespacing
• Use APA referencing (! Important !)
Resources needed to
complete task:
• Weekly readings and resources on the Canvas site
• Take Home Exam paper and submission booklet
• QUT Cite | Write APA guide
What you need to submit: Save your exam booklet as a PDF and submit to Canvas by the due date.
Check the submission status on Canvas to make sure the file has been
uploaded successfully. Please keep important screenshots for all your
submissions. Screenshots alone cannot be evidence of your submission. When
contacting your tutors about submission issues, make sure to attach your
assessment document alongside with the screenshots.
Check your similarity report and update the submission if necessary.
Academic Integrity
Students need to be aware that academic integrity refers to text and non-
text sources, i.e. "copying or adapting non-text based material created by others, such as diagrams, designs,
musical score, audio-visual materials, art work, plans, code or photographs without appropriate
acknowledgement" (MOPP C/5.3.6 Academic Integrity). It also includes self-plagiarism, which “involves the re-
use by a student of their own work without appropriate acknowledgement of the source; or using AI-generated
text, which is ‘making false declarations regarding the originality or ownership of, or the student’s engagement
with, an assessment task’ (MOPP C/5.3.6 Academic Integrity).
Students are expected to demonstrate their own understanding and thinking using ideas provided by ‘others’ to
support and inform their work, always acknowledging the source. While we encourage peer learning, it is not
appropriate to share assignments with other students unless your assessment piece has been stated as being
a group assignment. If you do share your assignment with another student, and they copy all or part of your
assignment for their submission, this is considered collusion and you may be reported for academic
misconduct. If you are unsure and need more information
CYB102: Introduction to Media and Entertainment Industries – Assessment Task 1 Page 4 of 5
CYB102 | Introduction to Media and Entertainment Industries Task 1 Rubric
Criteria High Distinction Distinction Credit Pass Marginal Fail Fail No Evidence