Business Process Analytics ISYS90112
Creation date:2024-06-01 15:21:11
Business Process Analytics
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Business Process Analytics
Assignment 1 Specification:
Business Process Modelling
Weight: 15%
School of Computing and Information Systems
Business Process Analytics
Working in a group of 2-3 students, you are required to document the pass purchase
process for Mount Hotham and Falls Creek. Specifically, you need to create three models:
o A model representing the pass process purchase at Mount Hotham.
o A model representing the pass process purchase at Falls Creek.
o A model representing a consolidated process for both ski resorts. Given that both
processes are different, you can choose which parts of the processes to keep in
the consolidated version. In the report, list any assumption you make and which
parts of either process you left out.
o IMPORTANT: While you can choose which parts to keep in the final model, the
consolidated version must combine parts of both processes.
o All models must be created using the BPMN language. The process models should
include business objects, resources, subprocesses, exceptions and events as
o Explain any assumptions you made when modelling this process. NOTE:
assumptions must not contradict information provided by the case study.
When drawing your process model, be sure to follow the modelling guidelines introduced
in this subject.
School of Computing and Information Systems
Business Process Analytics
You need to produce a short report, which includes the above items and follows the
structure shown in the Appendix (see below). The report must not exceed a total of 15
pages, including any figures, appendices, and front matter. The report must not exceed
2000 words from the start of the Introduction to the end of the Conclusion and includes
the Executive Summary. This word-limit is an upper bound, you are not required to write
exactly 2000 words. A good report can be concise as long as it covers all the requirements.
You must submit the soft copy of your report (PDF only accepted) via Canvas. The front
page of your report must be the group declaration, which can be electronically signed.
Additionally, your group must submit the .BPMN files (you can group the files into a zip),
also submitted via Canvas.
The following conventions must be used for the submission files:
o Report name: “ISYS90112 S1-2023 A1 – Group leader student-ID”
o BPMN file name: “ISYS90112 S1-2023 A1 – Group leader student-ID”
Failing to follow any of these guidelines may attract a mark penalty of up to -10 marks
(I.e., 10%) of the total marks.
OBJECTIVES: This assessment relates to the following Subject Objectives:
1. Acquire an awareness of the issues concerning the modelling of business processes.
2. Apply the principles of business process modelling for different purposes.
3. Use a process modelling tool to model business processes.
4. Demonstrate knowledge of process model syntax and semantics, and apply skills to
complete process modelling tasks.
5. Perform modelling tasks independently and within groups.
LATE SUBMISSIONS: Late submissions will NOT be marked and will thus attract a mark of
0/100. Therefore, you are strongly advised to submit your report, even if it is a draft only,
by the due date.
EXTENSIONS: An extension to the due date of the assignment may only be granted on
medical/compassionate grounds. All requests for extensions must be in writing with
appropriate documentation (e.g., a medical certificate clearly stating the actual condition,
the period of illness, and the length of the illness – which must be for a continuous period
School of Computing and Information Systems
Business Process Analytics
of 5 days or more prior to the due date of the assignment) to be received in the latest 48
hours before the due date. Requests for extensions based on medical grounds of less than
5 continuous days will be rejected. Further, reasons such as busy schedules, other
commitments, machine downtime, unexpected work pressures, interstate travels for
work, unawareness of the due date of the assignment, corrupted discs, etc. will not qualify
as a basis for requesting an extension.
REVIEWS: We will generally not remark assessments. All assessments will receive brief
feedback highlighting the major weaknesses found in the report. Further feedback will be
given during the lectures, highlighting the most common mistakes. If additional feedback
is required, the student should contact their marker to schedule a consultation. However,
if it is a unique situation where you feel that you have not been marked fairly, you must
submit a written request to the tutor (by email) detailing the reasons for mark review.
STUDENT MISCONDUCT AND PLAGIARISM: Any action or practice on your part which
would defeat the purposes of assessment is regarded as misconduct. The penalties for
student misconduct are provided in the Student Rules. Plagiarism (i.e., copying from
someone else’s assignment, in whole or in part, with or without adaptations) is considered
a serious student misconduct. Any assignment that falls into this category will attract a
mark of 0/100 and the students will be reported to the Student Misconduct Committee for
further disciplinary action.
GROUP FORMATION: You must work in a group of 2-3 students. It is expected that
students form groups based on their own contacts. Tutorials can be a way to form groups,
but there is no need for group members to attend the same tutorial. Groups consisting of
more than 3 members will NOT be allowed. All the group members will get the same mark.
When you team up with other students, make sure you share the same objectives and
expected commitment to do well in this assignment.
Any 1-person group submission will be penalised with a loss of 10 points, regardless of
the reason that forced you to submit as a 1-person group unless a group member
dropped out of the subject, and you have notified the teaching team at the earliest
GROUP DISPUTES: Students will be responsible for resolving their own group disputes. The
teaching team shall NOT be involved in these disputes.
School of Computing and Information Systems
Business Process Analytics
EXPELLING GROUP MEMBERS: Students may decide to expel a group member if this
person has not actively contributed to the assignment deliverables for two consecutive
weeks (evidence must be provided that this is the case, e.g., by showing that the student
has been unreachable via email). Written notice must be sent to the student to be expelled
5 days in advance, using the student’s Unimelb email (messages on social networks such
as Facebook and WhatsApp are NOT an official communication means for this purpose).
The student can only be expelled from a group if the student does not respond to this
written notice with a valid justification within 5 business days, or if they accept to be
SUBMISSION: Each submission must contain a declaration, signed by all group members,
stating that they have viewed the final version of the assignment that is to be submitted
and that it is their original work (see Appendix A). Electronic signatures are accepted.
Failure to do this may result in that student not receiving a mark.
GETTING FEEDBACK: The teaching team will be available to answer specific questions
about the assignment specifications and/or the process description, but not to pre-mark
assignments. Lecturers and tutors will NOT read report drafts and review detailed models
prior to the submission of the assignment, since this defeats the purpose of a formal
assessment. Please do not ask.
School of Computing and Information Systems
Business Process Analytics
§ Declaration by group members (see template in Appendix A)
§ Cover page (authors names and students’ IDs)
§ Executive summary
§ Introduction
§ Pass purchase process at Mount Hotham
o List any assumptions made for this scenario.
o Present the BPMN process models (include screenshots of your models).
§ Pass purchase process at Falls Creek
o List any assumptions made for this scenario.
o Present the BPMN process models (include screenshots of your models).
§ Consolidated pass purchase process for both ski resorts
o List any assumption made for this scenario.
o Give an overview of the consolidated version. Explain which parts of each
process were kept in the consolidated version.
o Present the BPMN process models (include screenshots of your models).
§ Conclusion
School of Computing and Information Systems
Business Process Analytics
By submitting this assignment, we are aware of the University rule that a student must not
act in a manner which constitutes academic dishonesty as stated and explained in the
Melbourne Policy Library. We confirm that this work represents our team’s effort, we have
viewed the final version and we confirm that this does not contain plagiarised material.