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MGTS7610 Management Communication Assessment task 1: Business writing portfolio 1. What do I have to do? Imagine you are the Communications Director for a (fictional) oil and gas company called Queensland Oil & Gas (QOG). Your job is to manage QOG’s response to a (fictional) crisis event. (see “9. Crisis event” below) Create a single pdf document including: • The MGTS7610 cover page (see Blackboard) • A letter informing QOG’s CEO of the crisis event (see “10. Letter” below) • A company-wide email to all QOG staff (see “11. All staff email” below) • A media release responding to the crisis event (see “13. Media release” below) • A critical reflection on your letter, email and media release (see “13. Critical reflection” below). Formatting requirements: • Each document should be approximately 1 page • Start a new page for each document (using a page break is ideal) • Use 11pt Calibri font • Use 1.5‐line spacing • Use “normal” margins (choose “normal” in Microsoft Word – this is the default for new documents) • Use clear spacing between paragraphs 2. When is this task due? This task is due by 4pm (Brisbane time) on Friday, 18 August 2023. • Late submissions will receive a 10% penalty per day. • Your work will not be graded if it is more than 7 days late. 3. How much does this task contribute to my final grade? This task is worth 30% of your final grade. • The letter, email and media release are each worth 8%, for a total of 24%. • The critical reflection is work 6%. 4. How do I submit this task? Submit this task via Turn-it-in (accessible through Blackboard). • Go to the MGTS7610 Blackboard site on Learn.UQ, then click “Assessment” in the left‐ hand menu. • Go to the folder for “Assessment 1 – Business Writing Portfolio”. • Inside this folder, you will find a Turnitin submission link – Click “View/Complete”. • Follow these instructions to upload your assignment, check it has been uploaded correctly, and download your digital receipt 5. How will this task be graded? The Grading Rubric for this task is included at the end of this document. • Read the Grading Rubric carefully, and make sure you understand what is required. Do NOT change the set question. Papers that do not address the crisis event will not be graded. 6. Can I use ChatGPT or other AI? • This assessment task evaluates students' abilities, skills and knowledge without the aid of Artificial Intelligence (AI). • Using AI technologies to develop responses is strictly prohibited and may constitute student misconduct under the Student Code of Conduct. 7. Where can I find answers to my questions about this task? Attending every tutorial is the best way to prepare for assessment tasks in this course. • Ask your tutor any course-related questions during your tutorial. Search the Discussion Board for answers to Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs). 8. What can I do if I need an extension? Course staff CANNOT grant extensions. You MUST apply online BEFORE the due date. • Follow the instructions outlined here. MGTS7610 Business Writing Portfolio Assignment Guide 2 9. Crisis event Last night an exposé on the ABC Four Corners television program revealed that the (fictional) mining company Queensland Oil & Gas (QOG) is currently facing 17 cases of alleged workplace misbehaviour – including sexual harassment, bullying and assault – within their fly-in fly-out (FIFO) workforce. The Four Corners program reported that: • workplace culture in the mining sector has been traditionally dominated by men. The gender pay gap in mining (16%) is higher than the national average (14.1%). • excessive alcohol consumption is common in FIFO contexts, where workers are isolated from their usual social connections and responsibilities. • harassment and bullying are often covered up, overlooked and/or treated as a joke. • Australia’s mining sector has the 5th highest share of workers who have been sexually harassed (40%). The problem mostly affects women and minorities. • the number of complaints about workplace misconduct increased after QOG’s acquisition of Northern Minerals (NOTE: Northern Minerals is a fictional company). • the problem is likely much bigger than has been reported because many victims are reluctant to speak about their experiences. • 52,500 women are currently employed in Australia’s mining sector, representing 18.9% of the total mining workforce (302,600). • the mining sector is experiencing a significant skills shortage, which could be addressed by attracting more female workers.