COMP6390 supporting sustainability
Creation date:2024-05-31 17:58:01
supporting sustainability
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Assessment 1: Project work (individual)
Assessment 1: Project work (individual) is broken into two parts to be submitted at two different
times in the course as stated below. Part 1: Research plan is worth 10% and is due Monday 21
August 2023. Part 2: Discovery report is worth 30% and is due Friday 22 September 2023.
Details for each of these are provided below.
1.1 Part 1: Research plan
Assessment type: Individual
Assessment upload: PDF submission to the Assessment 1: Research plan (Turnitin) submission
point on Wattle (available on Wattle from 14 August 2023)
Recommended word limit: 1000-1500 (maximum) words
Late submission: Late submission is permitted for this assessment item. Late submission of
assessment tasks without an extension are penalised at the rate of 5% of the possible marks
available per working day or part thereof. Late submission of assessment tasks is not accepted
after 10 working days after the due date, or on or after the date specified in the course outline
for the return of the assessment item.
Note: This assessment brief is intentionally not too tightly prescribed to support this initial
exploratory phase of discovery and in the spirit of this advance level subject.
1.2 Project topics
Students are asked to choose from one of two topics to base both parts of Assessment 1:
Topic 1: Sustainability; and
Topic 2: Student Experience.
Both topics are described at a high level below. Further explanation and support material for
these topics are provided in lecture 3 slides and recording.
1.2.1 Topic 1: Sustainability
Explore a topic within the broad area of supporting sustainability goals at university through
digital. Week 3 lecture slides and recording cover what sustainability means at ANU and ANU
current sustainability initiatives, as well as ideas for potential topics from the ANU Director of
Sustainability. This material may be referred to for inspiration. Students may also feel free to
look beyond the ANU sustainability context to sustainability in universities in general.
COMP3900/COMP6390 Human-Computer Interaction Assessment 1 2023
1.2.2 Topic 2: Student Experience
Explore a topic within the broad area of enhancing student university experiences through
digital. Week 3 lecture slides and recording cover seven 'Student Essentials' identified in ANU
Student Experience Discovery work in 2022. This material may be referred to for inspiration.
Students can look beyond the ANU student experience to university experience more broadly,
for example, there are four universities in Canberra - 1. ANU (us!), 2. UNSW Canberra, 3.
University of Canberra, 4. Australian Catholic University (Canberra). Students can explore the
student experience in any combination of the above universities, or just a single university.
1.3 Research plan
Week 3 lecture slides and recording cover what you need to know to create a research plan. It is
recommended you follow the structure below. If you do not follow the structure below, make
sure you cover each of the items listed in the subheads 1.3.1 to 1.3.8.
Week 4 lectures will expand on user research, so it is recommended you don't finalise part 1 of
the assignment until after the week 4 lecture on 14 August 2023.
1.3.1 Project background
Describe what topic area you've chosen and provide a high-level background to this area based
on desk research, i.e. the review of secondary data sources. Explain why you've chosen this area
and provide enough background so that your research objectives make sense.
1.3.2 Research objectives
Describe the questions you want answered and what you are hoping to learn or understand.
Note: Keep in mind this is design research intended to explore opportunities and ideas for how
digital can support the topic area.
1.3.3 Research methods
Please choose at least 2 research methods and explain how the use of the two research
methods will enable you to address your research objectives and triangulate your findings.
Listen to week 3 lecture recording for an explanation of triangulation.
For this assessment, please focus on planning qualitative research methods and desk research
only. i.e. no surveys please.
1.3.4 Participants and recruitment
Describe who you would like to involve in your research, how many people, where, and how you
plan to recruit them (if appropriate).
Note: You must focus on indirect methods of recruitment, e.g. do not use ANU mailing lists or
official channels. More will be covered on this topic in the week 4 lecture on 14 August 2023.
1.3.5 Timeline
Outline your proposed timeline for your design research. Keep in mind when Part 2 is due (22
September 2023).
1.3.6 Planned outputs
Describe the key planned outputs of your discovery research.
Note: Supporting guidance to be covered in week 4 lecture.
COMP3900/COMP6390 Human-Computer Interaction Assessment 1 2023
1.3.7 Supporting materials - please provide any discussion guides and consent forms in
an appendix or supporting materials section, and refer to it in your research methods
Provide any supporting material you intend on using in your research e.g. discussion guide,
consent form, observation guide etc.
Note: This is briefly discussed in the week 3 lecture and will be expanded on in week 4.
1.3.8 References
Please include any references you've used in this section. If you've used text books, articles,
webpages or anything, including personal communications, to inform your thinking, please
reference according to Harvard referencing style.