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MUF0062 Economics Unit 2
Group Video Presentation Due Date Week 7 Weighting 20% Time Limit 15 minutes (+/- 10%) Study Area SA1 Macroeconomics Goal and Models Group Size 3-4 students In a group you will develop a video presentation that relates to the knowledge and skills from Area of Study 1: Macroeconomic Goals and Models. The purpose of your video presentation is to make connections between content and models learnt in Study Area 1 and some current real-world data about Australia. Your research and video presentation should include: ● An explanation of macroeconomic goals ● A description and evaluation of the way in which achievement of goals is measured ● Analysis of recent data indicating macroeconomic performance of Australia ● At least one example linking data with the AD-AS model ● At least one example linking data with the business cycle model ● At least one example linking data with the circular flow model. ● Where possible, you should make connections between theoretical ideas, models and the data. The process described below will help you to prepare for this video presentation collaboratively. 1. Once you have learnt about economic growth (Topic 3), you will form a group of 3-4 people. Your teacher may allocate you to a group or you may have an option to form your own group. 2. As a group, discuss the requirements of the task. If there is anything that you do not understand, it is your responsibility to ask your teacher for clarification. 3. You will prepare for this task over a number of weeks. Your completion of post-class activities will contribute towards producing the group video presentation, while also contributing towards your grade for ‘Participation’ in the unit. For example, while learning about economic growth you are required to research Australia’s economic growth. The data and information that you collect and summarise during this activity can then be used in your group video presentation slides. 4. As you begin to prepare and plan your video presentation, it is essential that you communicate and collaborate with your team members. This should include the use of a shared document that can be accessed by all team members and can be shared with your teacher. 5. During the planning process, your teacher may give you feedback. This feedback may be written and/or verbal. It is your responsibility as a group to seek clarification if you do not understand any of the feedback that is provided. It is also your responsibility to implement the feedback provided. 6. Begin working on the development of your video presentation, this may involve writing scripts for each person’s part of the video presentation. 7. Once you have prepared each part of the video presentation, take time to practice the presentation as a group. Conditions • You will also be expected to work on the task in your own time, outside of class. • It is expected that you will collaborate during all parts of the task. • You will be assessed as a group but there is one element of the rubric where you will be assessed individually. • Quotes and definitions should be referenced according to APA style and should be from published sources. • Each group will present their researched information by Video, with the use of visual aids (for example, slides). • All group members must present some information. • Preparing your video presentation, you should use a web-based shared document (for example, Google Docs/Google Slides or an equivalent) so that each member of the group can be involved in the process. This document should also be shared with your teacher. Please Note: Allocate the following roles to your group members: • Google slides (GS) Leader: The GS leader must make sure the Google slides/ PPT are prepared before practicing and filming. They are responsible for uploading the PPT’s to Turnitin and coordinating your group’s input to the PPT’s. • Tech Leader: The Tech leader needs to set up Zoom meetings and send links to the other group members. It is also up to this group member to press record for the presentation and to upload the video to your Google folder or an equivalent. • You may be penalised for a video presentation that exceeds 15 minutes. Part of the challenge of the task is to identify the most important information to present.