ENGG3112 maintains physical facilities
Creation date:2024-05-31 17:41:34
maintains physical facilities
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Net Zero for Community Organisations
ENGG3112 S2 2023 Project Brief
Governments around the world have declared Net Zero targets for as early as 2030, with Australia
currently aiming for net zero by 2050. The NSW State Government has set a progress target of 50%
reduction of greenhouse gas emission (on 2005 levels) by 2030. Achieving these targets requires a
collective effort, motivated by varying combinations of financial incentives, community expectations,
and legal requirements.
For many individuals and organisations with the knowledge and financial wealth, the path to net zero
is relatively simple – reduce energy consumption, switch to renewables, and exercise discretion in
purchasing decisions to limit or offset indirect contributions to emissions. However, many small
businesses, community run organisations, and community facilities lack the financial capacity and access
to the expertise needed to determine and implement pathways to net zero.
In this project, you will work directly with a community organisation to understand their energy needs,
asset management, available facilities and resources, and potential funding sources to develop a net
zero plan that considers scope 1, scope 2, AND scope 3 emissions. You will be acting as an engineering
consultant and will have direct communication with external stakeholders and your client.
You are encouraged identify, engage, and collaborate with a community organisation of your own
choosing. For this project, we consider ‘community organisations’ to be characterised by:
• Common Purpose: This could be anything from sporting or social clubs, arts and cultural
facilities, advancing specific social or environmental causes, community health and support
services, etc.
• Voluntary Participation: While there may be paid staff, many members of community
organizations participate on a voluntary basis. They contribute their time and skills because
they care about the organisation's mission and the community it serves.
• Non-Profit Nature: Any funds they raise are used to support their activities and further their
mission, not to generate profit for owners or shareholders.
• Local Focus: Community organizations typically focus on serving a specific geographic
community. They are often deeply connected to their community and responsive to its needs.
• Community Engagement: Community organizations often foster civic engagement and
community participation. They can act as a platform for individuals to contribute to their
community, voice their concerns, and influence local decisions and activities.
In addition to the above, the community organisation you choose should also meet the following
• Owns and maintains physical facilities (e.g. buildings, vehicles, IT, equipment, etc.)
• Conducts activities year round
• Is local to you and accessible (i.e. no overseas or interstate organisations)
For project Stage 1, you will need to identify a range of options for organisations to work with and
conduct some preliminary research into opportunities and barriers to net zero for each as part of your
project ideation. Organisations need not be contacted at this stage. You will confirm which organisation
you will work with as part of Stage 2, following formation of your project team, consideration of
options explored by other team members, and preliminary contact with the organisations. In Stage 3,
you will pitch your concept pathway plan to a range of peers and experts in a trade show event.
Finally, in project Stage 4 you will put forward a complete pathway implementation plan in
partnership with your chosen community organisation.
The project will be supported over the course of the semester by experts in net zero pathways,
including carbon accounting, renewable energy technologies, energy efficiency, and user behaviour.
These experts will be able to advise you on appropriate methods for achieving net zero for your