ES2C7: Engineering Mathematics and Data Analytics
Creation date:2024-05-31 17:08:09
Engineering Mathematics and Data Analytics
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ES2C7: Engineering Mathematics and Data Analytics
ES2C7 Resit - Laboratory Assessment (A07)
Data Analytics - Regression, Classification and Clustering
The learning objectives for this assignment are:
• Apply data analytics techniques to datasets produced by engineering processes and systems.
• Solve complex engineering problems using MATLAB.
• Apply computer programming concepts and methods using MATLAB.
This assignment is worth 30% of the ES2C7 module.
Create a video that explains TWO of the three topics listed below:
1. What is a regression problem and how can MATLAB be used to solve it?
2. What is the k-nearest neighbours (KNN) algorithm and what kind of problems can it address?
3. How does the k-means clustering algorithm work?
Your video should last around 10 minutes. You should assume that the audience is a student who has
just completed the first year of their engineering degree at Warwick.
For each chosen topic, your video should:
1. Show that you understand the underlying principles.
2. Try to answer the chosen topics using at least one example.
3. Show how MATLAB can be used as a tool to solve the problem - you can use MATLAB apps
(e.g. classification learner app) and/or a coding approach.
You must submit this assignment using Tabula.
Please submit the following:
1. The video in one of the following formats:
• QuickTime Video (Mac)
• MP4 or AVI (Windows)
2. The MATLAB files (scripts and/or live scripts) containing your code
3. Any additional files required to run your code
You may need to compress all the above into a single file before submitting on Tabula.
ES2C7: Engineering Mathematics and Data Analytics 22/23
• By using screen capture and recording your voice, you should be able to explain how to use
MATLAB using a live demo.
• PowerPoint slides may be useful for explaining any equations or diagrams. You can switch
between your MATLAB and PowerPoint applications during the video.
• You should not need to use any cameras during production of the video - unless you want to
include video of yourself presenting.
• Some methods of screen recording to film your video:
• Video editing software can be used if required, there are free tools/apps available to perform
basic editing, e.g., iMovie (Mac) and Video Editor (Windows).
• This assignment is not testing your video production skills, it is testing the technical skills and
knowledge gained on ES2C7. However, creating a good quality video should not be too
o Check that the audio is loud and clear enough
o Check that the visual quality is sufficient (e.g. any text can be easily read)
• The quality of the video should be sufficient that it could be loaded onto a Moodle webpage
for use by other students.
• Do not copy slides, pictures or diagrams from ES2C7 lecture material.
• Any material that you use that you have not created yourself (including diagrams/text/code)
should be referenced at the end of the video.