FIT3138 Real Time Enterprise Systems
Creation date:2024-05-31 16:42:05
Real Time Enterprise Systems
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FIT3138 Real Time Enterprise Systems
Value: 20% of final Assessment
Mode of submission: Online on Moodle
Type of Assignment: Individual Assignment
Assignment Aim and Objectives:
This assignment is made up of three parts and aims to encourage students to explore and discuss
certain aspects of real-time enterprise systems.
The aim of this assignment is to provide students with an opportunity to develop their research and
analytical skills through business case studies as well as through hands-on practical exercises. In so
doing, the following objectives are sought:
• To understand the basics of supply chain management and how the processes are tightly integrated
with other ERP elements, such as sales, purchasing, and financials.
• To gain an appreciation of the need to integrate and streamline business processes.
• To gain hands-on experience on an enterprise system using SAP S/4 HANA, and to appreciate
how the enterprise systems could be used to enhance efficiency in supply chain management.
Part 1: Understanding the Basics of Supply Chain Management
Part 2: The Need for Business Integration
Part 3: Production Planning and Supply Chain Management
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Part 1: Understanding the Basics of Supply Chain Management
In this part of the assignment, you will be required to watch a series of videos and attempt some
quizzes. These series of videos will be released in weeks 3, 4 and 5. After watching the videos each
week, students are required to attempt an online quiz based on those videos.
These videos were provided by OpenSAP free online course on SAP Business ByDesign Supply
Chain Management. SAP Business ByDesign is SAP’s cloud-based ERP solution for SMEs, and
enables you to manage your entire business with a single cloud ERP solution. It’s ideally suited for
upper mid-market companies and subsidiaries of large corporations (2-tier approach).
Through this assignment, you will learn the basics of supply chain management by exploring SAP
Business ByDesign, and how the processes are tightly integrated within the different functional areas
such as sales, purchasing, and financials. You will get insights on how the planning, buying, and
selling activities work. This will be followed by a deep dive into product manufacturing, and you’ll
learn about some additional processes like returns, repairs, and third-party processes.
Delivery structure and assessment criteria:
1. Three online quizzes on Moodle released in weeks 3 and 4.
2. The quizzes will remain open till Monday 4th September 2023 11:55pm (Week 7). However,
students are encouraged to watch the videos and attempt the quizzes in the week that the
videos and quiz are released as no further extension will be granted if you missed this deadline.
3. The marking criteria appended on the last page of this document will give you an indication
of how your work will be assessed.
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Part 2: The Need for Business Integration
Reference: Ellen Monk, Bret Wagner. (2013). Concepts in Enterprise Resource Planning. (4e)
Course Technology, Cengage Learning. Chapter 3; and FIT3138 Lecture 4.
A copy of the Fitter Snacker Sales Process case study is available in the Assignment 1
(Part 2) folder.
Fitter’s current sales order accounting processes involves recording sales in each division and then
periodically sending certain sales data to the accounting department for invoicing and financial
reporting. Complete sales order data are retained in each sales division for business analysis purposes.
Different divisions of one of their clients, the Yummy Foods Company, buy NRG-A and NRG-B bars
from each of Fitter’s sales divisions. To complicate matters, some divisions of Yummy buy store-
brand bars from Fitter. (Yummy owns convenience store outlets.) Fitter management has asked for
an analysis of the Yummy Foods account. They want to determine if there are opportunities to expand
the company’s relationship with Yummy; however, they want to assess the profitability of the
relationship before proceeding. The management team wants to see what products each division sells
to Yummy, how much is sold, and on what terms. In Fitter’s current system, all the required data are
available only at the sales division level.
You are currently assisting the CIO of Fitter Snacker, and he has requested you to analyse Fitter
Snacker situation and advise him accordingly on the following:
• The information flow between the 3 functional areas (Marketing and Sales, Accounting and
Finance, and Supply Chain Management) in the company.
• What steps will be needed to pull this companywide analysis together (under the current
system)? (Review how each division sells its products.)
• With their current system, do you think a sales division manager will be enthusiastic about
sharing all data with his or her counterpart in the other division? Do you think there might be
some reluctance? Why?
• How would the installation of an SAP ERP system (where sales records exist in real time and
are kept in the company’s common database) helps to pull this company-wide analysis
together? Do you expect that the divisions will meet the new system with enthusiasm or
• What is your recommendation to the CIO?
Delivery structure and assessment criteria:
1. Your delivery should be in the form of a memo (approximately 800 words) to the CIO.
2. Save your file as XX-9999999 Part 2.docx (or .pdf), where ‘XX’ is your last name and
‘9999999’ is your Student ID.
3. The marking criteria appended on the last page of this document will give you an indication
of how your work will be assessed.
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Part 3: Production Planning and Supply Chain Management
In this part of the assignment, you are required to perform a manufacturing process cycle using the
Global Bike Inc. (G.B.I.) data set, which has exclusively been created for SAP UA global curricula.
In this case study, you will create consumption values for a finished product to plan and process a
complete manufacturing cycle.
In order to process a complete manufacturing process, you will take on different roles within the GBI
company, e.g. production supervisor, shop floor worker and plant manager. Overall, you will be
working in the Materials Management (MM) and the Production Planning and Execution (PP)
As you conduct the hands-on exercises, you are required to record the document numbers and provide
screenshots on the data sheet provided. After completing the practical exercises, reflect on the
different functionalities afforded by the SAP_PP module and discuss how the enterprise systems
could be used to enhance efficiency in supply chain management. Your reflective essay should be
about 300 words.
Delivery structure and assessment criteria:
1. Download the “PP_Using GBI_Data_Sheet.doc” and rename it as XX-9999999 Part 3.docx,
where ‘XX’ is your last name and ‘9999999’ is your Student ID.
2. Submit your file XX-9999999 Part 3.docx (or .pdf), which should include a record of all the
document numbers being generated and your reflective essay.
3. The marking criteria appended on the last page of this document will give you an indication
of how your work will be assessed.
Submission instructions:
1. You are to upload your submission on the FIT3138 Moodle site under the “FIT3138
Assignment 1” submission link.
2. All submission must be in the form of a word/pdf document and you should submit 2 files:
i. XX-9999999 Part 2.docx (or .pdf), and
ii. XX-9999999 Part 3.docx (or .pdf), where ‘XX’ is your last name and ‘9999999’ is your
Student ID.
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FIT3138 Real-Time Enterprise Systems
Assignment 1 Marking Criteria
Criteria: Total:
Part 1 20
a) Online Quiz #1 – Correctness of response as graded on Moodle
b) Online Quiz #2 – Correctness of response as graded on Moodle 10
Part 2 50
a) Information flow of the current system
b) Under the current system, what steps will be needed to pull the
company-wide analysis together?
c) Problems in sharing data under the current system. 8
d) How ERP systems aid in generating company-wide analysis? 10
e) Conclusion – Recommendation and advice 8
Overall presentation (must be in Memo format) & quality of
Part 3 30
a) Hands-on PP process culminating to an accurate record of all the
document numbers being generated and include requested
screenshots (refer to datasheet provided)
b) A reflective essay on the different functionalities afforded by the
SAP_PP module and discuss how the enterprise systems could
be used to enhance efficiency in supply chain management.