CENG0011 Coursework 1 Particular Systems and Separation Processes
Creation date:2024-05-31 16:31:18
Coursework 1 Particular Systems and Separation Processes
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CENG0011 Coursework 1 Particular Systems and Separation Processes II
CENG0011 2022/2022: Late Summer Assessment Coursework 1
1 Problem Statement
The downstream processing of an aqueous stream containing therapeutic proteins produced in a
bioreactor is carried out through an ultrafiltration membrane process. The volumetric flow to be
processed is 150 m3 day−1, with a suspended protein concentration of 0.35 kgm−3. In order to be
used in subsequent formulation stages the protein stream needs to be concentrated to 18 kgm−3.
Tubular membrane modules with an exchange surface of 3.5 m2 are used to carry out the ultrafiltra-
tion process.
Due to fouling, the water flow through these membranes decreases when protein concentration (C)
increases following the empirical law:
J(C) = 4.0× 10−2 ln
[m h−1] (1)
2 Requests
1. Based on steady state calculations compute the number of membrane modules necessary for
the operation of this process in a single-stage feed-and-bleed configuration.
2. Draw a scheme of the process clearly labelling all streams and compositions, and reporting
their steady state value.
3. A feed and bleed process scheme requires a startup period in which the concentration of the
retentate reaches steady state. In such a timeframe the system operates under complete recycle
of the retentate. Compute the time necessary to reach the steady state composition in the re-
tentate. In this calculation consider 0.5 m3 of the protein suspension at its initial composition
loaded in the membrane separation unit at startup.
4. In order to operate the feed and bleed unit in continuous mode, a valve regulating the retentate
stream, is opened as soon as the steady state concentration in the retentate is reached. Re-
port how the retentate composition, retentate volumetric flow, permeate volumetric flow and
volume of suspension recirculated in the filtration unit behave as a function of process time.
Indicate on each diagram the time topen when the retentate valve is opened.
5. Cosider now a cascade of two stages. Compute the optimal number of membrane modules
and their arrangement in stages in order to achieve the specifics required. Compute all the
concentrations and volumetric flows in your process configuration of choice. Define clearly
your chosen criterion for optimality.
6. Draw a scheme of this new configuration clearly labelling all streams and compositions.
CENG0011 Coursework 1 Particular Systems and Separation Processes II
To complete this assignment the following items should be submitted:
• A brief report, including all the results and diagrams requested, together with a description of
the solution in which all the equations used to solve the problem are outlined and motivated.
• One (or more) gPROMS (or matlab, python, etc) scripts enabling to reproduce the results re-
ported in your report.
• Only the report will be marked, the scripts will be considered to clarify doubts and to confirm
that the work has been carried out. Make sure that the report contains all the information