MA280 Probability
Creation date:2024-05-30 18:03:31
MA280 Probability (Online)
Monday through Friday
Course Delivery
The class will be delivered in the format of online. Other than recorded
lecture videos, the instructor will arrange 4 hours’ real-time interactions
with students per week (via Zoom meeting, Tencent Meeting or Wechat).
Contact Hours
(Lecture Hours)
66 contact hours Credits 4 units
13 extra hours per week * 4 weeks are required for independent reading and
Required Texts
(with ISBN)
A First Course in Probability, 10th Edition. S. Ross. Pearson
ISBN-13: 9780134753119.
Prerequisite N/A
2 / 5
Course Overview
This course introduces students to probability. Topics include probability spaces, conditional probability,
independence, univariate random variables, multivariate random variables, random vectors, expectation,
law of large numbers, central limit theorem.
Course Goals
A student who satisfactorily completes this course will be able to:
understand the basic rules of probability, conditional probability and expectation;
apply Bayes’ theorem on changing conditional probabilities with new evidence;
understand the difference between discrete and continuous random variables;
work easily with several common distributions, discrete and continuous;
know what expectation and variance mean and be able to compute them;
understand the central limit theorem.