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ECON2101 — Microeconomics
Micro 2 is a team effort. These slides include and build upon contributions from various
lecturers that taught this course in the past.
The supply side of the market
Having studied consumer choice and derived demand, we now turn to the firm side of
the market. We will
1. Model firm technology (now)
2. Derive from the firm’s technology its cost function, i.e. the cheapest way for it
to produce any given output level (next)
3. Derive from its cost function its supply function, i.e. how much it will supply to
the market for any given price of its output (later)
4. Aggregate individual supply to study market supply and long run equilibrium in
a perfectly competitive market (even later)
Firms are complex and heterogenous organisations.
• They employ different types of resources to produce a variety of goods and
services sold to consumers in different markets.
• They employ a wide variety of incentive schemes and compensation structures
(to varying effect!) to induce lower-level employees to perform in a way desired
by higher level management
In modelling the firm, we abstract from many of these details. Our bare-bones model
of the firm depicts it only as a “black box” that transforms inputs (like labour and
capital) into output. The firm’s technology is the process by which inputs are turned
into outputs.
Example 1:
• You are a firm that transforms the input “hours spent studying” into the output
“Micro 2 mark”. The technology by which you do so can be modeled by the
production function
f (h) =
i.e. your mark increases rapidly at the beginning, but as you spend more and
more time studying, your mark increases more slowly (the marginal product of h
is decreasing - more on this later). Notice that if you study for 9 hours, you can
get a maximum mark of 3, but you can also “waste” some of your effort and get
a mark of 2, or even a mark of 0.
When the technology is
modeled by f (z), for any
input quantity z, f (z)
describes the maximum
possible output.
In line with a classical
example, think of f (z),
the output as “corn”, and
z the input as labour. For
given z, f (z) describes
the maximum possible
output of corn.
Preview: Profit maximisation
A firm produces output for the market in order to earn profit,
which is revenue minus cost.
Suppose it can sell corn (y) at a price p per unit, and has to pay
for labour at a rate w per unit.
Then for any input-output pair (z , y), its profit is
π(z , y) = py − wz
A line with equation py − wz = k connects all input-output pairs
that give profit k. This is called an isoprofit line (“iso” means
equal). The bigger k is, the more profit the firm makes.
But the firm is also constrained by its production function f (z).
Preview: Profit maximisation
The firm wants to choose
the point on its production
function f (z) that lies on
the highest iso-profit line.
Exercise: On a diagram
understand the nature of
the firm’s optimal choice.
Show that this leads to a
tangency condition.
Solve the profit maximisation problem for the production function
f (h) =
when price is p and the wage of labour is w .
From 1 input to N inputs
A single, price-taking firm operating in a market economy uses N inputs (capital,
labour, raw materials, etc.) and transforms them into output q.
Denote inputs by zn ≥ 0. An input vector is z = (z1, . . . , zN)
The N + 1-dimensional input-output vector (z, q) is a feasible plan for the firm if q
can be produced given z, given the firm’s available technology.
Given an input vector (z1, . . . , zN), the maximum output that can be produced is
f (z1, . . . , zN). The function f : RN+ → R+ is the firm’s production function.
A plan is feasible if
q ≤ f (z1, . . . , zN)
The collection of all feasible plans is the production set.
From N to 2 inputs
Much like with the consumer optimisation problem, we will focus on the two-input
• Similar reasoning as for consumer problem: two inputs is the minimum needed
to capture the fact that there may be choices to be made about how to produce
a given output
From N to 2 inputs
Example 2:
• Suppose the production function of the firm is q = f (z1, z2) = 2z
1 z
• The firm can produce q = 8 using (z1, z2) = (8, 8)
• But there are other ways - e.g. (z ′1, z ′2) = (64, 1) and (z ′′1 , z ′′2 ) = (1, 64)
• In fact, any (z1, z2) such that z1 × z2 = 64 can be used.
The q-output isoquant is the collection of all input vectors that yield output level q
using the firm’s available technology.
The map of isoquants is an equivalent way to describe the production function.
Isoquants are to the
production function what
indifference curves are to
the utility function:
mappings of combinations
of inputs (of the function)
that yield the same
output (of the function).
Marginal product
Marginal product
The production function f : RN+ → R+ represents the maximum amount of output
that can be produced using an input vector z = (z1, . . . , zN). Isoquants are
representations of different combinations of inputs that yield the same output level.
• This does not mean that all input combinations are economically equivalent.
• A profit maximising firm asks what is the most cost effective way to produce q.
Marginal Products
Given a differentiable production function f : RN+ → R+, the marginal product of
input n = 1, . . . ,N at ẑ is the rate of change of output as the quantity used of input n
changes slightly