IB9QR0 Global Challenges in Management & Sustainability
Creation date:2024-05-30 16:56:14
Global Challenges in Management & Sustainability
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IB9QR0 Global Challenges in Management & Sustainability
Term Three 2022/2023
70% Individual Assignment
2500 words
This is a strict limit not a guideline. Any piece submitted with more words than the limit will result in
the excess not being marked.
Answer only one question.
One question is worth 100 marks.
Question 1
Corporate social responsibility and irresponsibility may have different meanings to firms and their
managers depending on their location, and the institutional context of that location. How do
institutional voids in a host country influence the ability of firms to implement socially responsible
business practices? Justify your argument with relevant examples.
Question 2
How might Covid-19 and other macro-environmental disruptions (e.g., climate change, financial
crises) affect foreign direct investment strategies in the future? Justify your argument with relevant
examples, by highlighting both firms affected by these disruptions as well as firms which have
benefited (or stand to benefit) from them.
Question 3
What is the role of cross-border mergers and acquisitions in the strategies of MNEs and what makes
the successful ones ‘successful’? Critically discuss with relevant examples.
Question 4
Opportunistic behaviour on the part of one or more partners in an international alliance or joint
venture is often suggested as a primary cause for the failure of those partnerships. Critically discuss
with relevant examples.
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Question 5
Discuss, how, if at all, the Uppsala framework, and other theories of FDI help us to understand the
international expansion decisions of start-ups. Justify your argument with examples.
Question 6
‘In an era of ESG investment, corporate social irresponsibility is bad for business’. Critically discuss
with relevant examples of MNEs associated with irresponsible behaviour and its outcomes.
SUBMISSION DEADLINE: 12:00 (UK time) Monday 10 July 2023
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