37T37TManaging Agile Organisations
Creation date:2024-05-30 16:40:49
Managing Agile Organisations
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37T37TManaging Agile Organisations
Assessment Package
Term 2, 2023
NOTE: submitting the assignment via TurnItIn includes an online declaration as to the
authenticity of your work. It replaces the need to add a Coversheet on your
SHORT ANSWER QUESTIONS (20%) – WEEKS 2, 4, 6 and 8
If this is, for any reason, difficult, you should contact the Lecturer in Charge (LIC).
Required (Weeks 2, 4, 6 and 8)
You will have 15 minutes to answer five questions from the course readings during the
Lecture in Weeks 2, 4, 6 and 8. Each item is worth one (1) mark and five (5) marks each
week, a total of 20 marks.
All quizzes will close at the end of Week 9.
Description: These questions aim to enable you to apply the learnings from the readings to
the course concepts. These questions will help you focus on the main points within the
readings and improve your research, communication, and analysis skills.
The questions will be multiple-choice or short answers (not exceeding 150 words).
ACCT5949 – Managing Agile Orgnaisations
If this is, for any reason, difficult, you should contact the Lecturer in Charge (LIC). In
exceptional circumstances, you may be able to nominate a leader.
The LIC will advise you of your assigned leader in week 2.
1. PART A: BLOG (15%)
Due: Friday 9 am AEST, 30 June 2023, via TurnItIn
Required (Week 5)
Your blog must address the following:
1. Explain and analysis of your assigned leader's action logic about their situation.
2. Briefly outline your assigned leader's situation (the time, place, and domain) within
your analysis of their action logic.
3. Explain and illustrate your assigned leader's characteristics.
Description: A discussion paper written in your own words in a blog style of a popular press
article, such as Harvard Business Review Blog (see: https://hbr.org).
Other ACCT5949 students. They will be interested in your article but will not be experts.
To identify academic research, learn how to locate relevant information within research
articles, apply essential concepts from the course to an example of a leader, and practice
your analysis and writing skills.
This blog will help you improve your research, communication, ethical analysis and report-
writing skills. You must use the Harvard referencing style
The blog must not exceed 1000 words and does not include the reference list.
2. PART B: VLOG (10%)
Due: Friday 6 pm AEST, 30 June 2023, via ACCT5949 Moodle site
A. Design a virtual background for your Vlog that characterises the essential action logic of
your assigned leader's leadership. Your Vlog is not a PowerPoint presentation.
B. Prepare and deliver a vlog presentation about your assigned leader's action logic and
characteristics. Remember that spoken English will differ from formal written English.
Your Vlog must address a summary of your blog, including specific examples of your
assigned leader's performance and attributes to illustrate your argument points.
The Vlog must not exceed 3 minutes.
ACCT5949 – Managing Agile Orgnaisations
(30%= 20% GROUP + 10% INDIVIDUAL) – DUE WEEK 10
If this is, for any reason, difficult, you should contact the Lecturer in Charge (LIC).
Students are required to form a team for this assignment. The organisation of teams occurs
via Moodle. Generally, five to six students per group, though this number can change as it is
subject to the number of students in the class. Confirming the number of students per
team is after the census date.
The team's role is to assume the consultant position. The team will submit a business case
study report that analyses the organisation using appropriate concepts and theories from the
course and other methods appropriate for the identified issue (s). Teams must also
undertake additional research about their case study and present their findings to the class.
Each team is to provide a name, nominate an agile organisation for their case study, and
email these to the LIC any time after the census date. If two or more teams choose the same
agile organisation, the allocation will go to the team who emailed first.
The LIC will confirm team members, case organisation, team name and running order for the
presentation night in week 5.
Due: Monday 9 am AEST, 31 July 2022, via Turnitin
Required (Week 10)
Your report must address the following:
1. Briefly outline the main activities and history of the case organisation.
2. Explain and illustrate why this organisation is known for its 'agility'.
3. Discuss how critical factors in the current environment present threats and
opportunities related to this organisation's agility.
4. Based on your discussion in parts 1 to 3, make strategic and operational
recommendations to senior management regarding preserving and enhancing the
case organisation's agility.
The report must not exceed 3,000 words (not included in this word count are the executive
summary and the reference list). In addition, the report must use the Harvard referencing
style and, at minimum, three (3) peer-reviewed references.
Any supporting charts and tables are to be an Appendix (up to three charts and three
Description: This project aims to enable you to apply essential concepts from the course to
an example of business practice and to practice your case analysis and report writing skills.
The project will help you improve your skills in project management, team dynamics,
research, communication, ethical review and report writing.
Each team will be assigned a participation mark ranging from 0 to 1 based on their
contributions to the classroom discussion. The following guide is on how participation marks
are assigned.
Mark Description guide
0 No team member participated in class discussions or asked any
questions during any of the presentations
1 The team members have demonstrated excellence in contributing to the
dynamics of discussions, answering three or more questions and
asking two or more questions throughout the presentations.
ACCT5949 – Managing Agile Orgnaisations
PECHA KUCHA PRESENTATION, your mark will be based on your contribution
Due: Week 10 in-class presentations
This assignment concerns the knowledge acquired from undertaking Part A, the case study
report. You are to assume the role of internal or external consultants.
A. Presentation Format, the presentation is to assume the format of a Pecha Kucha.
The presentation must adhere to the rules of this form of presentation:
1. Twenty PowerPoint slides total;
2. Each slide must be on an automatic timer for 20 seconds only; and
3. Slides may contain a graphic image only with no added text. The only exception is
using the organisational logo, which may be used once, including the associated text,
in your presentation.
B. Prepare and deliver a Pecha Kucha presentation for management. The team's
presentation needs to include the following:
1. The nature of agility,
2. Why agility is essential to organisational performance and,
3. Given the nature of the environment, what are the main strategic and operational
recommendations for preserving and enhancing organisational agility?
You are required to attend all presentations, and all team members have a role in their
presentation. Your marks are subject to your contribution.
The team's decision is how you allocate the tasks related to this presentation equitably.
Each group member has to speak, if only for a short time.
Description: This project aims to enable you to apply essential concepts from the course to
an example of business practice and to practice your case analysis and report writing skills.
The project will help you improve your skills in project management, team dynamics,
research, communication, ethical review and report writing.
Due: Friday 6 pm AEST, 4 August 2023, via Survey.
All students have to complete the survey. Group and individual marks will not be released
until all team members have submitted their responses.
Description: Assessing your skills and performance and that of your fellow syndicate
members is important. You will complete a survey of your and your syndicate member's
performance and contribution to the group assignment. You will be able to view the feedback
provided by your peers once the survey has closed. The feedback provided by your peers
will be helpful for your personal development. In some cases, this feedback, in conjunction
with formal meetings with the LIC and team members, and other evidence to adjust final
marks for the group report where students have either taken on additional work or have not
contributed sufficiently to the team project.
Approach to Group Work: Our experience is that group work is mostly very positive,
particularly where groups have sufficient time and mutually agreed goals. You will have five
weeks to work together on this assignment. Although there will be time within the lectures to
work on the assignment, you must work on the group project individually and outside of class
time. Your syndicate is to work together on planning, researching, analysing, developing,
writing, proofreading and editing your report for submission. You are also jointly responsible
for allocating relevant tasks, including research, logistical and organisational duties. All
members should have a similar level of involvement in the research process, organisation
and writing of the business reports. The expectation is that each student will fulfil their team
commitments. In cases where this does not occur, the remaining team members may
request a reduced (or higher) grade for the assignment for the non-contributing (or
exceptionally hardworking) team member.
This information provided in the Self and Peer Evaluation Process is part of the evidence
required to adjust final marks. In some cases, there are severe problems with teamwork,
mainly where this involves the failure of a team member to carry out their responsibilities.
Then aggrieved team members should contact the LIC. It is best, in these circumstances, to
collect and provide documentary evidence such as emails and ordinary notes of
commitments not fulfilled. The LIC will significantly consider any student judged to have
largely failed to fulfil their obligations to their team. Subject to the LIC receiving timely,
reasonable and documented reason(s) (medical or compassionate).
ACCT5949 – Managing Agile Orgnaisations
If this is, for any reason, difficult, you should contact the Lecturer in Charge (LIC).
Due: Monday 9 am AEDT, 21 November 2022, via TurnItIn
Your essay must address the following:
1. Briefly outline the main learnings you have gained about agile organisations.
2. Explain and illustrate situations you will apply this new knowledge into practice.
3. Demonstrate analysis and understanding of the compulsory readings by
discussing your learning style.
4. Based on your discussion in parts 1 to 3, create a development plan you will
implement to transform into a continuous learner.
Compulsory reference:
Zimmerman, B.J., 2002, "Achieving Academic Excellence: A Self-Regulatory Perspective" in
Ferrari, M. (ed) The Pursuit of Excellence Through Education. Lawrence, Erlbaum
Associates, Mahwah, NJ, pp.85-110.
The essay must not exceed 1,500 words and does not include the abstract (250 words) or
the reference list. In addition, the essay must use the Harvard style of referencing.
Description: Over this term, we have focused considerable attention on agility in practice,
examining both individual and organisational factors. The final assignment requires a self-
reflection, demonstrating awareness of what you have learnt about your characteristics as a
learner and learning style. You are additionally creating adjustments from your current to
your desired performance by providing an individual development plan that offers options for
regulating learning and performance. In your essay, your discussion draws upon
Zimmerman's (2002) framework, course material and any other content, experiences or
activities to demonstrate an informed view.
This essay explores how you gained awareness of yourself, how you learn and where you
can apply these learnings in your future career. It is not about what you learnt or
representing the course contents.