COMMGMT Business Operations Management
Creation date:2024-05-30 15:25:18
Business Operations Management
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COMMGMT Business Operations Management
Exam Preparation
Hopefully, the following information will help you in your preparation for the exam.
Week Topics Covered
1 Defining operations management; 4 V profile
2 Performance hierarchy (TBL, strategic, operational); polar diagrams; Operational
performance (cost, flexibility, dependability, quality, and speed); Operations strategy
3 & 4 Product & service innovation; Structure and scope of operations (e.g. outsourcing
decisions); process types (based on volume/variety)
5 Process design; Process mapping (identify flow, decisions, inputs).
6 Little’s law; calculating WIP, TT, CT and staff required; Balancing and bottlenecks,
arrangement of stages (Long Thin vs Short Fat); advantages and disadvantages.
7 Four basic Layout types; layout types based on volume/variety (pros and cons)
8 Process technology; the three stages of process technology management; understanding
the potential of new process technology;
9 People in operations; organizational culture and role of operations managers in HR; job
10 Distinction between planning and control; the volume-variety effect on planning and
control; Supply and demand (P:D ratios); capacity Management; actual output (e.g,
utilization, efficiency); methods of adjusting capacity
11 Supply chain management (performance); customer relationship management; Inventory
management; why have inventory
12 Why is improvement so important in operations management? breakthrough
improvement vs continuous improvement;
13 Risk management; the potential causes of failure;
Structure of the Exam
There are three sections in this examination.
Section A has 20 multiple-choice questions. Answer all of them. 0.5 mark for each
correct answer.
20 multiple choice questions in the exam that cover all of the topics
Section B Case study has compulsory questions. The maximum mark for this section is
The questions relate mainly to demonstrating understanding and application of course content.
Section C has 5 essay questions. The maximum mark for each question is 5. The
maximum mark for this section is 25.
The questions relate mainly to demonstrating understanding and application of course content.
The total marks for the exam are 50 marks.
A formula sheet
The equations:
Throughput time (TH) = Work in progress (WIP) x Cycle Time (CT)
Utilization = Actual output / design capacity
Efficiency = Actual output / effective capacity
Face to Face Exam
Instructions for Candidates
• This examination is a closed book.
• Answer the questions in Part A using the given multiple-choice sheet.
• Write your answers to the questions in Parts B & C in the provided answer booklet.
• Examination materials must not be removed from the examination room.
• Write your name and student id on the front cover of the multiple-choice sheet and that of the
answer booklet.
Permitted Materials
• A formulae sheet is attached.
• A ca lcu la tor without alphanumeric memory or remote communications capability is permitted.
• No other materials are permitted.
Online Exam
Instructions for Candidates
• This examination is a closed book.
Permitted Materials
• A formulae sheet is attached.
• A ca lcu la tor without alphanumeric memory or remote communications capability is permitted.
• No materials are permitted.
How to write your exam:
• Please read the exam instruction carefully.
• Please write your answers on MyUni.
• Once you finish writing your exam for Part A, Part B, and Part C, please double-check the answer
before clicking the submit button on MyUni.