MARK205 Marketing Research and Consumer Insights
Creation date:2024-05-30 15:14:06
Marketing Research and Consumer Insights
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Marketing Research and Consumer Insights
All Campuses
Final Assessment
Autumn 2023
Assessment duration Monday 12 June 11:30 AM to Wednesday 14 June 11:30 PM
Directions to students This is an individual assessment, so all the conditions regarding
working as an individual strictly apply. This assessment
contains two (2) sections:
Section A consists of FOUR (4) short essay questions. You are
required to choose and answer any TWO (2) of the four (4)
questions. Each question is worth twenty five (25) marks.
Section B consists of TWO (2) short essay questions. You are
required to answer BOTH questions. Each question is worth
twenty five (25) marks.
Please record your answers in a Word document, using Times
New Roman 12-point font. When recording your answers,
please start each question on a new page. There should be
strictly no more than TWO (2) pages of DOUBLE-SPACED
answer or written content PER question (anything beyond will
not be marked). References are NOT required. Please review
your work thoroughly before submitting it using the Turnitin
link clearly labelled with your campus and tutorial class details
on the subject’s Moodle site. Late penalties apply.
To be eligible to pass this subject, you MUST obtain a minimum
of 50% in this assessment.
Please do not distribute or share this assessment file
SECTION A (worth 50 marks)
This section contains four (4) questions. You are required to choose and answer any TWO (2)
of the four (4) questions. Each question is worth twenty five (25) marks.
Question 1
In the face of intense competition, the management team of Luxe Fashion House are interested
in undertaking research to improve their brand image, so that they could position their brand
more competitively in the market. However, they are unsure whether they should undertake
qualitative or quantitative research. In a short essay, please discuss and explain using relevant
examples the differences between qualitative and quantitative research.
Question 2
Luxe Fashion House have been experiencing very poor store traffic and sales lately. The
management team are considering conducting research to collect primary information that will
help them resolve the problem at hand and design a workable strategy. However, they are
unsure of the specific type of design that they should adopt in their research. In a short essay,
please discuss and explain using relevant examples the different types of research designs.
Question 3
The management team at the Luxe Fashion House are interested in undertaking a market
research study using the survey approach to develop a better understanding of who their
customers are, what they like, and how they behave. However, they are unsure of the different
types of measurement scales that they should use in the survey. In a short essay, please discuss
and explain using relevant examples the different types of measurement scales.
Question 4
Luxe Fashion House are interested in growing their brand and have decided to undertake a
market research study to develop a better understanding of the market and consumer needs.
However, they are unsure of the different ways in which they can recruit respondents to
participate in their market research study. In a short essay, please discuss and explain using
relevant examples two probability and two non-probability sampling techniques.
SECTION B (worth 50 marks)
This section contains two (2) questions. You are required to answer BOTH questions. Each question is worth twenty five (25) marks.
Question 1
In a pilot survey focusing on assessing students’ preferences for universities, thirty (30) respondents were asked to indicate the importance of the
criteria of job prospects, quality of teaching, location benefits, and reputation, using a 7-point scale (where 1=not at all important and 7=very
important). Results of the pilot survey are presented below:
Assuming you are the senior analyst in the marketing department, the marketing manager is interested in knowing whether the importance attributed
to job prospects, quality of teaching, location benefits, and reputation differs between domestic and international students. Following the hypothesis
testing process, please interpret the results presented above and provide a short managerial report.
Question 2
In a pilot survey, thirty (30) respondents were asked to indicate their preference for universities (measured on a 7-point scale where 1=not at all
preferred and 7=greatly preferred) and their emphasis on the attributes of job prospects, quality of teaching, location benefits, and reputation
(measured on a 7-point scale where 1=not at all important and 7=very important). Results of the pilot survey are presented below:
Assuming you are the senior analyst in the marketing department, the marketing manager is interested in knowing whether students’ preference
for universities can be explained by their emphasis on the attributes of job prospects, quality of teaching, location benefits, and reputation.
Following the hypothesis testing process, please interpret the results presented above and provide a short managerial report.