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25742 Financial Management: Final Exam Information
What is it? Confidential online survey for each subject at the end of semester. Why do it? Give academic staff feedback on your learning experience in each subject. Improve the learning experience for all students. How do I do it? What else do I need to know? Please be constructive in your feedback! By participating, you could win a prize and support a charity. THANK YOU! STUDENT FEEDBACK SURVEY (SFS) Final Exam Information 25742 Financial Management Final Exam Information Exam length: 2 hours to be completed in 3-hour window. Make sure you start the exam within the first one hour of the exam window, otherwise you won’t get a 2-hour exam time. Two-hour online exam on Canvas available during 3.30-6.30pm on 9 June 2023 You have 1 attempt at this exam. The examination is worth 50% of the marks available in this subject. The exam covers all materials in the subject. The exam consists of: 10 multiple choice theory questions worth 1 mark each 14 calculation questions worth 2 marks each 4 detailed calculation questions worth 3 marks each You will need to type your numerical answers into Canvas. You are not permitted to take screenshots, record the screen, copy and paste questions or answers or otherwise attempt to take any of the content of this exam out of the exam for any purpose. Final Exam Information 25742 Financial Management Final Exam Information You are allowed pen/pencil and paper and any calculator You may use Microsoft Excel or word during the exam. This “working file” can be uploaded to Canvas up until 15 minutes after you complete the exam. Upload the working calculation file under “Assignments” – “Final Exam working file upload” on Canvas. Clearly label the questions the workings relate to. Otherwise the working file won’t be taken into consideration. You are permitted to access lecture slides/notes, workshop slides/notes, course textbook, your personal notes. During the exam you may not have other browser tabs open You are not permitted, to use phones or communicate with others, receiving assistance from anyone else, or providing assistance, use of any websites, or social media sites including communication platforms. You are not permitted to post any requests for clarification of exam content on Discussion Board or email others. 25742 Financial Management Final Exam Information Answer all questions to the best of your ability and perception of the questions’ intent, make reasonable assumptions if necessary, to answer all questions. The questions will be presented one at a time and during this exam you will be permitted to review previous questions by scrolling through the question number box in the upper right side of your computer screen. Misconduct action will be taken against you if you breach university rules