ECON 3440 - Competition Policy and Regulation
Creation date:2024-05-29 14:54:57
Competition Policy and Regulation
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Essay Topic for ECON 3440 -
Competition Policy and Regulation
Imagine you work for the ACCC and your task is to review a recent competition policy
case. More specifically, you are supposed to write a report for your colleague team members
that allows them to understand the main features of the case.
The report should cover the following points of the case:
• Give a summary of the case events.
• Describe the relevant market, its functioning and the roles of the major players.
• Argue the plaintiff’s side and the defendant’s side of the case using economic theory.
In cartel cases, you should also discuss market characteristics and industry features
that facilitated the cartel.
• Explain the outcome and briefly give your opinion.
The expected length of the report is 500-1,000 words in 12pt font excluding graphs, tables
and references. You can choose your preferred reference style but please be consistent.
The due date for the submission is
Monday, June 5, 2023, 4pm.
Please submit a pdf file at the Turnitin link in the folder Assessment/Case Study on
blackboard. Do not leave your submission to the last minute. Penalties for late submissions
apply as specified in the ECP. In case you have issues with the online submission, send the
file via email to [email protected].
Students are advised that the use of AI technologies to develop responses is
strictly prohibited and may constitute student misconduct under the Student Code of
Conduct. The essay carries a 25% weight in your final grade for this course. The grading
of the essay will use the following weights:
• case description (40%)
• application of economic theory (40%)
• presentation and writing (20%)
Case Essay Topic
Below is a list of two important, recent competition policy cases with links to online re-
sources. Please choose one of these cases for your report.
• TOPIC 1: ACCC vs Vina Money Transfer (2022).
– A recent criminal cartel case that was brought by the public prosecutor at the
Federal Court.
– A good starting point is the original judgment of the Federal Court in 2022:
[Judgment on Federal Court case page]
– There may be some more sources online that you may be able to use.
• TOPIC 2: EC Google Android (2015-2022).
– This case was brought by the European Commission (EC) against Google from
– Google appealed the first decision at European Court of Justice (2022).
– A good starting point is the summary of the EC Court of Justice; for more
detailed information you can have a browse on the case page of the EC:
[EC Court of Justice Appeal Summary 2022]
[EC case page for Google Android 2015-2018]
– There are more resources online on this case which you might want to use.