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FIT3182 Assignment
Marks Total Marks Part A Mongodb Data modelling Task 1: Mongodb Data Model(10%) 1.1) Design a suitable data model to support the efficient querying of the two data sets in MongoDB, and justify your design. 3 5 1.2) Provide an example of your data model 2 Task 2. Querying MongoDB using PyMongo (20%) 2.1) Dataloading: Write a python program that will read the data from hotspot_historic.csv and climate_historic.csv and load them to the new database 2 15 Implementation of 2.2.a - 2.2.j (1 mark each) 10 2.3) Create an index and justify your choice 3 Part B Processing Data Stream and Vlsualisation Task 1: Processing Data Stream(50%) a) Create a producer for climate streaming 5 45 b) Create a producer for hotspot AQUA streaming 5 c) Create a producer for hotspot TERRA streaming 5 d) Implementation of the steaming application according to the specification 30 Task 2: Data Visualisation 2.1) Streaming data visualisation: Consume data from Kafka and visualise the data in real-time, label some interesting points. 5 152.2a) Plot a bar chart to visualise the total number of fire records based on each hour 5 2.2b) Plot a map and add markers according to the specification 5 Part C Interview and Demo Fluency of explaining the random questions of the assignment code. Working demo, competence understanding 20 20 Working demo, partial understanding 15 Demo is not working, partial understanding 10 Demo is not working, low understanding 5 No attendance or can't answer most of the questions 0 Total: 100 Part D Penalties Late Penalty 10% penalty per day including weekends 10% per day Quality of Code Insufficient comments, the code is not following the PEP8 standard Up to 5%