Advanced Techniques for High Dimensional Data
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INFS4205/7205 Advanced Techniques for High Dimensional Data
INFS4205/7205 Individual Project
Updates (v1)
Clarification on number of algorithms to implement.
• You need to implement at least three different algorithms in total.
• For each of the query task, you need to implement at least two different algorithms so you
can make comparisons between different methods for the same query task.
• One algorithm (e.g., R-Tree) can be implemented for multiple tasks if applicable.
• For those students who complete more than two methods for each query task, you will get
bonus marks for both Completeness and Innovation.
• Linear scan as a basic baseline method also counts.
Clarification on Correctness.
• You need to test different cases for each query task to prove the correctness of your methods.
• For example, to test the query task: “find all data points in a given rectangular area and within
a certain time window”, you need to test different rectangular areas and different time
windows. You need to make sure for all cases, your algorithms return the same results as
the DBMS.
INFS4205/7205 Advanced Techniques for High Dimensional Data Semester 1, 2023
The project consists of two sections (1) Implementation and (2) Report. In this assignment, you are
asked to implement a set of query scenarios utilising spatial / spatial-temporal data as well as
computational geometry algorithms wherever suitable. You are required to find spatial datasets
that are suitable for this project and implement at least three appropriate algorithms (e.g., k-d tree,
R tree indexing). You need to construct spatial DBMS (e.g., PostgreSQL, Oracle, MySQL) to validate
the correctness of your implementation. Finally, you need to present your problem statement,
methodology, outcomes, and analysis in the project report. You will need to present your findings
in a clear and concise manner, with a focus on the insights gained from the project.
This assignment is designed to assess your ability to apply advanced techniques for high
dimensional data manipulation to solve real-world problems. This is an individual assignment. The
completion of the assignment should be based on your own design.
Language requirements: You are allowed to use any programming languages (e.g., Python or Java)
for implementing the project. You are also allowed to use existing libraries (citation required).
INFS4205/7205 Advanced Techniques for High Dimensional Data Semester 1, 2023