Business Process Management ISYS90081
Creation date:2024-05-28 17:49:25
Business Process Management
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Business Process Management
Criteria Performance Standards
Deliverables Expectations and Marking Rubric Excellent Good Needs Work Unacceptable
The executive summary should capture the key findings/points from across
your entire report in a clear and concise manner to encourage the reader to
review the entire report.
The introduction section should illustrate the purpose of the report in a well-
structured manner. It should conclude by presenting the structure of the
The conclusion section should summarise the main findings, contextualise
the report and cover any potential limitations.
You will loose 1 point if either executive summary, introduction or conclusion
contains an imperfection in their structure and/or content.
You will lose 3 points if either executive summary, introduction or conclusion
contains recurring imperfections in their structure and/or content.
You will lose 5 points if either executive summary, introduction or conclusion
is incomplete and missing essential content (e.g., background and context,
scope of the report, etc.).
5 % 4–2 % 1–0 %
The report should be presented in a professional manner and with no
spelling or grammar errors. All tables and figures must be clear, well
organised and embedded into the flow of the argument.
You will lose 1 point per table or figure that is misplaced in the flow of the
You will lose 1 point for minor grammatical and spelling imperfections.
You will lose 3 points for recurring language imperfections and errors
(throughout the report).
You will lose 3 points for misplacing of several tables and figures and/or low
quality/readability of tables and figures.
You will lose 5 points for repeated and recurring English errors that make the
report difficult to read and understand.
5 % 4–3 % 2 % 1–0 %
This is the first core section of the report. Include the following parts:
• Cycle time efficiency (7%)
o Prepare offer
§ 1.0% for calculation and formulas/simulation
o Join and induction
§ 1.0% for calculation and formulas/simulation
o Whole Process
§ 5.0% for calculation and formulas/simulation
• Value-added analysis (8%)
o X% for each correctly assigned value-added type
• Waste analysis (10%) – minimum 4 types of waste
o X% for each waste correctly identified
45–40% 39–35% 34–21% 20–0%
School of Computing and Information Systems
Business Process Management
Criteria Performance Standards
Deliverables Expectations and Marking Rubric Excellent Good Needs Work Unacceptable
o -X% for each waste incorrectly identified
• Issue register (15%) – you must document only 2 major issues
o 5% for each valid major issue identified
o 2.5% for each correct issue analysis (i.e., qualitative and
quantitative impacts)
• Why-why or Cause-effect diagram (5%)
o 3% for realistic and correct causes identified
o 2% for using the information in the scenario
This is the second core section of the report. Include the following parts:
• Description of each proposed change (15%) – during the
marking, for each proposed change, we will consider its feasibility,
the tech-requirements, and the correct application of the
redesigning theory.
You will lose 2 points for each change that is not realistically implementable.
You will lose 4 points for each change that does not effectively solve the
You will lose 3 points for each change where the redesign theory has not
been applied appropriately.
You will lose 10 points if all the three changes are based on redesign
heuristics or all the three changes are based on BPR principles
You will lose 5 points for each missing change.
• Prioritization of changes based on pick-chart (10%)
You will lose 3 points if the chart shows 1 or 2 discrepancies with the
information in the issue register and the proposed changes.
You will lose 6 points if the chart shows more than 2 discrepancies with the
information in the issue register and the proposed changes
You will lose 2-4 points if your PICK chart is not aligned with your proposed
changes or justified appropriately
• To-be process model (15%) – this must be integrated as
pictures in the flow of the report
You will lose up to 10 points if there are modelling/behavioral errors in the
process model.
You will lose 5 points for each missing to-be process model in the report (each
of the 3 proposed changes must be captured separately in process models
with at least 1 model for every proposed change)”
40–35% 34–30% 29–20% 19–0%
Describe any assumption related to the various activities performed as part
of this report, e.g., assumptions in computing cycle time efficiency,
assumptions in estimating the impact of issues, assumptions in estimating
the impact and difficulty of implementing changes. If you find that
assumptions are not needed, you do not have to add any assumption. If that
were the case, you would get maximum points.
5 % 4–3 % 2 % 1–0 %
School of Computing and Information Systems
Business Process Management
Criteria Performance Standards
Deliverables Expectations and Marking Rubric Excellent Good Needs Work Unacceptable
You will lose 1 point for each assumption that was not required.