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Impact Report Assessment Task Impact Report Group or Individual Individual Weighting 35% (100 marks reweighted to 35%) Word Limit 1300 ± 100 words DUE DATE 1.00 pm Tuesday May 16 Marking Guide (Rubric) Blackboard > Assessment > Impact Report > Rubric Submission Turnitin via course BB site (see page 7 for further guidance). The submission title of your report must be of the following format: First Name Surname (Note: No country name is required unlike the Country Report.) Academic Integrity UQ has strict rules against cheating, including “colluding with other students on individual assessment items”. You must read and be familiar with these rules (PPL 3.60.04 Student Integrity and Misconduct). CONTEXT An economist was given the task of completing an Impact Report for Australia: (a) In 400 words, discuss how the COVID-19 pandemic has affected the economy of Australia in 2020-2022. (b) In 350 words, explain what monetary policy actions Australia took to manage the COVID-19 shocks during 2020-2022. (c) In 350 words, explain what fiscal policy actions Australia took to manage the COVID-19 shocks during 2020-2022. The economist tried to reduce their effort by instructing ChatGPT, an AI software, to generate a report, “Australia Impact Report by ChatGPT” (or “ChatGPT Report” for short), based on the task descriptions. (Note: the ChatGPT Report is provided as the ‘RED’ text in the Template document.) However, the supervisor was not satisfied with the quality of the ChatGPT Report and asked you to improve it. 2 YOUR TASKS 1. A Revised Impact Report (~1100 words) • Improve on the ChatGPT Report in any way you see appropriate. This includes, but is not limited to: o Using two (2) to three (3) figures (diagram, graph, table) to illustrate and improve the explanation of the ChatGDP Report. At least one of the figures must be an AD-AS diagram with the x-axis labelled as “Real GDP of Australia” and the y-axis labelled “Price level of Australia”. You must explain your figures. o Adding statistics, citations and references to the Impact Report where appropriate. (Note: In-text citations are included in the word count, but references are not.) o Using the economic theories and concepts taught in ECON7001 to improve the Impact Report. • Keep the structure of the three sub-sections (1a, 1b and 1c) and roughly follow the original word limit instructions (400, 350, 350). This means that you will need to delete, condense or rewrite some old material to make room for new material (such as the explanation of your figures, added statistics and citations). 2. Reflection (~200 words) a. What aspects of the ChatGPT Report do you think the AI did well and why? b. What aspects of the ChatGPT Report do you think the AI did not do well and why? c. Assuming that you become a professional economist after graduation, how can you maintain your employability in a world where people with no background in economics can easily produce economic analysis using AI software? 3. References References and citations must be in the APA 7th style. 3 What is ChatGPT? ChatGPT is an interactive, text-generating Artificial Intelligence (AI) system created by OpenAI. To learn more about it, visit: https://openai.com/blog/chatgpt/. ChatGPT has limited knowledge of things happened after 2021. It sometimes fails to follow the instruction, e.g., its draft of section 1c significantly exceeds the word limit. You may want to check out the following resources provided by UQ Library: • Should you use ChatGPT for your studies? (link here) • Artificial Intelligence (link here) Can I use AI for this assignment? You are NOT allowed to use AI to help you complete this Impact Report assignment, except for grammar checking. You are NOT allowed to write the report in a language other than English and then use translation software to translate it in English. How do I differentiate my own writing from the text generated by ChatGPT? In the Revised Impact Report, you must mark your own writing (including citations and references) in BLACK, and any remaining text from the ChatGPT Report must be marked in RED. For example, the first paragraph of the ChatGPT report is: “The COVID-19 pandemic has had a significant impact on the economy of Australia in 2020-2022. The initial outbreak of the virus in early 2020 led to a rapid decline in economic activity, as businesses were forced to close and consumers reduced their spending due to fears of infection and government-imposed lockdowns.” Suppose a student changed it to the following in their submission, where the text in BLACK is the student’s own work: “The COVID-19 pandemic has had a significant impact on the Australian economy in 2020-2021. The outbreak of the virus in early 2020 led to a rapid decline in economic activity, as businesses were forced to close and consumers reduced their travel-related and outdoor spending due to fears of infection and government-imposed lockdowns. As a result, Australia experienced its first recession in 29 years during the first half year of 2020 (ABS 2022).” Figures (graphs, tables, diagrams) can be of any colours, and figures are supposed to be your original work. 4 WHAT YOU COULD DO TO IMPROVE THE CHATGPT REPORT: Ø You could discuss how the government’s non-economic responses to the pandemic (e.g. social distancing, closing the borders) and how it affects the economy. Ø You could contrast the economic effects of other global shocks, e.g., GFC or Brexit. Ø You could discuss the relative effectiveness of fiscal and monetary policy actions in dealing with the pandemic shocks as they have different limitations (e.g. effect lags; ability to target specific sectors). Ø You could discuss how the behaviours of households and businesses, and the pre- pandemic macroeconomic conditions (e.g. very low interest rates) may affect the effectiveness of the policy actions. Ø You could discuss potential and actual drawbacks of a policy action (e.g. building up of debts; inflating asset bubbles). Ø You could contrast the policy actions of Australia with some other countries to explain the pros and cons of the policy actions of Australia. Ø You can change the structure the ChatGPT report if you come up with a better structure. Ø There is no limit on to what extent you revise the ChatGPT report. If you want to, you can write a completely different report! Please refer to the marking rubric for details. TIPS for REFLECTION: Ø Your assessment of the ChatGPT report should be consistent with your revision of the report. For example, if you suggest that ChatGPT has not done a good job for a particular issue, your revised report should have addressed that issue. Ø You could discuss what employability means for economists, how AI might affect your employability as an economist in the future, and what you can do to improve your employability. Ø You could also discuss what assumptions you need to make in your assessment. Ø You could discuss different scenarios (based on different assumptions) rather than a single scenario. DIAGRAM: Ø You must create your own AD-AS model diagram instead of cut-and-paste from other sources. Otherwise, penalty applies (see the penalty section for details). Ø You must keep a copy of the file that you use to create your figures as you could be asked to provide it as proof that those figures are your own work. Ø We recommend you draw the diagram using PowerPoint, and then copy-and-paste it as an image in your report. Ø Hand-drawing diagrams could be marked down for poor presentation quality. Ø You do not need to put actual data figures on the diagram. Ø You do not need to provide a reference for the AD-AS diagram(s) that you create because it does not include any actual data. GENERAL TIPS: Ø Do not consider what happen in 2023. Ø You can discuss issues before 2020, but only if they are relevant to the tasks at hand. Ø You can use a single direct quote or multiple direct quotes in your report, but the total number of words of all quotes combined must be 20 words or less. Any direct quote must be properly referenced. Ø Read the mistakes students tend to make: Blackboard > Assessment > Impact Report > Past Common Feedback. However, please notice that in the past students were asked to write the Impact Report rather than to improve one generated by AI. Therefore, caution should be exercised when using the past feedback. 5 Ø You should follow the word limit guide as close as possible. For example, if you write lot more than 1100 words for Section 1 and lot less than 200 words for Section 2, the extra mark you gain from Section 1 may fall short of covering the mark you lose in Section 2. Ø The IMF Policy Tracker records the policy responses to COVID-19 by country. Ø If there are many policy actions, you could list all of them but focus on the key ones for discussion. Ø The government may take multiple actions (e.g. subsidising firms; providing cash handouts to households) and each action may have different impacts and effectiveness. Ø Typically, graphs have stronger visual impacts than tables. Ø If you provide a figure (diagram, graph, table), make sure that you explain/discuss it. The marker will not interpret it for you. Ø You can include more than one variable in a graph. TIPS FOR DATA: Ø You can include data before 2020 in your report only if they are relevant. Ø World Development Indicators may not have 2022 data. Ø You can look for the latest data on the websites of the Statistical Bureau, Treasury, the Central Bank, or other government departments. Ø The OECD and IMF/World Bank’s World Economic Outlook reports may also provide the latest data. Ø Data from secondary sources can still be used as a supplement only if those data are not available from any primary sources. Using non-primary data can lead to loss of marks when primary source data is available for your country. Ø Do not falsely claim that certain data are not readily available from a primary source without doing your due diligence. For most data at the national level (e.g. GDP, unemployment rate), only national or multinational agencies have the capacity to collect those data. Therefore, it is extremely unlikely that they are available from a secondary source but not from a primary source. Ø If you use data from a source (e.g. a report) that indicates that it drew the data from a government statistical bureau, the data is considered to have come from a secondary source, not a primary source. However, if you go to the government statistical bureau and extract the same data (and verify what you read is indeed accurate), then it is considered to have come from a primary source. Ø Trading Economics (https://tradingeconomics.com) is a secondary source, not a primary source. You should not use it for your report. TIPS for References: ü Having more in-text citations and references will reduce the number of words for the main body, while having too few in-text citations and references will reduce the credibility of the report. Therefore, you need to balance the two. ü Use a variety of sources (rather than just one or two) and use sources that are credible, e.g., WDI indicators by the World Bank, official government websites and academic journals. ü Consult UQ’s referencing style guide for the APA 7th styles. ü You must reference sources that you use for your text, graphs or tables. ü You must reference even when you have paraphrased the original content. ü You can refer to non-English material sources if no equivalent English sources are available, but you should keep such sources to a minimum. ü If you refer to non-English material sources, you need to provide the English translated references with a note at the end, e.g., “(original in German)”. The marker will consider the availability of English material sources for your country to ensure fairness in marking. ü You could use the EndNote program (downloadable from UQ library) to manage your references instead of doing it manually.