MACC7012 corporate financial reporting
Creation date:2024-05-27 18:00:03
corporate financial reporting
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1Individual essay assignment, MACC7012
Write an essay titled “Importance of corporate financial reporting and disclosure in making
economic decisions”
The purpose of the essay is for students to think carefully about the issues we have covered in
this course and develop a more in-depth understanding of the vital role that corporate financial
reporting and disclosure plays in a range of economic decisions. The essay should explain the
reasons why listed firms should report and disclose to stakeholders (investors, creditors, the
board of directors, etc.) information about their operations, how information is used by economic
players in their respective decisions, and the channels for transmitting information. The essay
should also discuss the difficulties / obstacles that exist in corporate communication and in
information processing by outside users.
The essay should reflect, in a comprehensive way, what you have learned from the course.
However, it should not simply be a summary of the course materials from the various topics;
rather, you should use a common theme to connect the issues you discuss, and make effort to tie
your discussion to the course contents. While it’s ok to quote some points from the lecture notes
or other sources (with proper references), you should not copy materials extensively from the
notes or any other source. This must be your own work.
The essay should be clearly organized with an introduction and a conclusion, as well as the
analysis around the theme. You are strongly encouraged to relate your analysis to real-life
companies and events.
Further instructions:
· The length of the essay should not exceed 8 pages (font size, 12; line spacing, 1.5),
excluding references and appendixes. Pages must be numbered.
· Submit your essay together with a Turnitin similarity report. The submission deadline is
11:59 pm, 7 May 2023 (Sunday) for all subclasses.
· You are not allowed to use ChatGPT or similar tools for assistance.
· Name your assignment file as “Subclass-Lastname-Firstname-Essay. For example, if
you are LI Minmin from Subclass A, then the file name is “A-Li-Minmin-Essay”.