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“Deutsche Bank and the Road to Basel III”
Assignment weight 20% (total marks 100)
Assignment questions
As a starting point, carefully read “Deutsche Bank and the Road to Basel III” (see URL on
Blackboard under “Assessment\Assignment”). Please use this case as a background, together with
your reading and understanding of the lecture/textbook and other publications from academic
journals, to carefully develop your answers to the four questions listed below:
1. How has the orientation of Deutsche Bank changed over time in terms of business
segments and global nature? Why? Do you agree with its strategy? (22 marks)
2. What do the historical financials tell us about Deutsche Bank’s profitability ratios in terms
of ROA/ROE? (20 marks)
3. What is the financial outlook for Deutsche Bank in view of Basel III and the euro zone debt
crisis? (24 marks)
4. What is your estimated valuation of Deutsche Bank? (Use the P/E and P/TB ratios to
value Deutsche Bank’s equity share.) (24 marks)
The remaining 10 marks out of possible total 100 marks will be allocated to the quality of
references used and formatting.
Two submission links
You are required to submit your assignment in “pdf” file two times. The deadline for submissions
is 8 May 2023 at 2:00pm.
Link 1. Upload your file to the link named “Case Study Assignment Turnitin Submission Link”
Link 2. Upload your file to the link named “Case Study Assignment Submission Link”
Please note that Link 1 is for checking similarity between your assignment and others while Link
2 is for marking your assignment. Your assignment will only be marked if the marker can find
your assignment work in both Link 1 and Link 2.
Submission format
The length of your submission should be 8 to 10 pages of text excluding list of references, and
figures and tables that may be placed after the list of references. Use 1.5 line spacing, 11 font size
‘Times New Roman’, ‘Normal’ margins, justified paragraphs and page numbering in the bottom
right-hand side (similar to this document). Please insert your full name (family name entered
last in capital letters) and eight-digit student number as a header on every page of your
Your submission file must be in “pdf” format and name with your first name, last name,
and student ID (FIRST_LAST_STUDENT ID). For example, the first name of the student is
Lily and the surname of the student is Nguyen, her student ID is 12345678, then the submission
file should be named as: LILY_NGUYEN_12345678
As a rule of thumb, using shorter paragraphs or sentences improve readability. Footnotes should
be kept to a minimum. An introduction and conclusion are needed in your answer to each question
but not for the overall submission (see assessment rubric posted on Blackboard under
Assessment). Please make sure we can clearly follow where one section ends and the other
begins, i.e. use sub-headings to guide the reader.
Further helpful guidelines for scoring marks on your assignment
• There could be more than one answer acceptable to the examiners. However, it is your
responsibility to clearly defend your answers in a coherent manner in your written submission . That is,
providing vague comments or disjointed arguments are not acceptable answers. Similarly, any
jargon or acronym should be followed by a brief definition or explanation when first used, e.g.
shadow banking, repos, ABS or OFC.
• Once again, you need to pay close attention to your arguments being coherent from one
question to the next. A better approach is to address both sides of an argument (i.e. pros and
cons), and either stop there, or if you feel strongly about taking a position, clarify why you are
doing so. Once again, as long as your arguments are presented coherently, either approach
would be acceptable for assessment purposes.
• It is good practice to initially develop your answers without worrying about the prescribed
length. Once you believe you have completed your literature review (i.e. reading what others
have published), you can then work towards polishing and cutting it down to size.
• It can help your understanding, and thereby, improve your answers, if you find, say, 6-7
solid sources/references and consider their views (you can cite more if you wish but not less).
Limit your references to either academic journal articles (you can start your search in Web
of Science or Scopus), or reports from various institutions such as the Basel Committee on
Banking Supervision, or other similarly reputable sources you may encounter; please note that
newspaper articles or simply websites not related to regulatory bodies are not acceptable. UQ
Library staffs are there to help you. Also, don’t forget to check out readings posted on
Blackboard under ‘Learning Resources, Miscellaneous Readings’; the readings posted on
Blackboard can count towards the required number of references mentioned above if you
deem them relevant.
• Please be aware that plagiarism, partly defined as copying and pasting someone else’s words
into your assignment without proper acknowledgement, is unacceptable at UQ. Similarly,
when you report someone else’s comments or ideas, you need to fully and clearly
acknowledge the source right next to it. Sources you use are listed under ‘References’ that
starts on a new page at the end of the main text before any figures and tables, using the
Harvard Referencing Style (see Blackboard under Assessment). It is also good practice to
paraphrase other authors’ words, which would indicate your level of understanding; avoid
making long direct quotations. Nevertheless, a few short direct quotations may be used to
emphasise what you consider to be important points in your submission.
Marking guide
Please refer the assignment rubric file under the assignment folder.