Hello, dear friend, you can consult us at any time if you have any questions, add WeChat: THEend8_
1. Time Allowed: 3 hours writing time + 1 hour allowance time for
reading/submission (4 hours in total).
2. This is a Take-Home Exam, your responses must be your own original work.
You must attempt this Take-Home Exam by yourself without any help from
others. Thus, you have NOT worked, collaborated or colluded with any other
persons in the formulation of your responses. The work that you are submitting
for your Take-Home Exam is your OWN work.
3. Release date/time (via Moodle): Thusday, 18th August 2022 1:30pm
(Australian Eastern Time Zone)
4. Submission date/time (Via Turnitin): Thusday, 18th August 2022 5:30pm
(Australian Eastern Time Zone)
5. Failure to upload the exam by the submission time will result in a penalty of
15% of the available marks per hour of lateness.
6. This Examination Paper has 8 pages, including the cover page.
7. Total number of Questions: 3 Questions.
8. Answer all 3 Questions.
9. Total marks available: 100 marks. This examination is worth 50% of the total
marks for the course.
10. Questions are not of equal value. Marks available for question sub-parts are
shown on this examination paper.
11. Some questions have word limits as indicated on the question. These word
limits must be adhered to. Text in excess of the specified word limit(s) may not
be considered in the marking process.
12. Candidates must submit a signed Declaration Form together with the Take-
Home Exam answer document. Failure to submit the signed Declaration Form
may result in your Take-Home Exam answer sheet not being marked.
13. Answers to questions are to be written in the template provided. Please ensure
that you provide the following details on your Take-Home Exam answer sheet:
• Student ID:
14. In accordance with the Declaration Form, this Take-Home Exam paper cannot
be copied, forwarded or shared.
This Take-Home Exam is an open book/open web, further information is
available “Here”.
• You are permitted to refer to your course notes, any materials provided by
the course convenor or lecturer, books, journal articles, or tutorial
• It is sufficient to use in-text citations that include the following information:
the name of the author or authors; the year of publication; the page
number (where the information/idea can be located on a particular page
when directly quoted), For example, (McConville, 2011, p.188).
• You are required to cite your sources and attribute direct quotes
appropriately when using external sources (other than your course
• When citing Internet sources, please use the following format:
website/page title and date.
• If you provide in-text citations, you MUST provide a Reference List. The
Reference list will NOT BE counted towards your word limit.
17. Students are advised to read the Take-Home Exam paper thoroughly before
18. The Lecturer-in-Charge (LiC) / Exam Referee will be available online (via
Moodle) after the Take-Home Exam paper is released for a period of two