COMP2212 Programming Language Concepts Coursework
Creation date:2024-05-25 14:44:49
Programming Language Concepts Coursework
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COMP2212 Programming Language Concepts Coursework
In this coursework you are required to design and implement a domain specific programming
language for specifying tiling patterns. For the purposes of this assignment we consider a tile to
be a square of discrete cells. A tile of size N consists of N ×N cells. A cell may either be filled
or empty. You will need to create a language of your own design that allows users to create larger
tiles built from given sets of small tiles.
You are welcome to research any existing languages to inspire the design of your own language.
If you want, you could stick closely to the syntax of an existing language. Of course, you are also
more than welcome to go your own way and be as original and creative as you want: it is YOUR
programming language, and your design decisions.
You are required to (1) invent an appropriate syntax and (2) write an interpreter (possibly
using Alex and Happy for lexing and parsing). Your overall goal is :
To design and implement a programming language for specifying large tiling patterns.
For the five example problems listed below, you will be required to produce a program, in your
language, that solves each of the problems. These five programs, together with the Haskell sources
for your interpreter, are the required deliverables for the first submission.
Please keep a record of all the sources you consult that influence your design, and include them
in your programming language manual. The manual will be required for the second submission,
along with programs for five additional unseen problems, which we will make public after the
deadline for the first submission. You should anticipate that the additional problems will be
comprised of variations and combinations of the first five problems. You will find more procedural
details at the end of this document.
The specification is deliberately loose. If we haven’t specified something, it is a design decision
for you to make: e.g. how to handle syntax errors, illegal inputs, whether to allow comments,
support for syntax highlighting, compile time warnings, any type systems etc. A significant part
(50%) of the mark will be awarded for these qualitative aspects, where we will also take into account
the design of the syntax and reward particularly creative and clean solutions with additional marks.
The remaining 50% of the mark will be awarded for correctly solving a number of problems using
your programming language. The correctness of your solution will be checked with a number of
automated tests.
The Input and Output Format
For each problem we will declare the name of one or more input files in a simple text-based
tile format. The input file name will correspond to a file in the current working directory
with an extension “.tl”. For example, if the problem input file is called “foo” and your inter-
preter is executed in directory “C:/Home/Users/jr/TSL/” then the input file will be found at
The input files will be in a simple (text-based) tile format as follows :
• each row of the tile will be given on a separate line of the file (separated by a newline
• each row will consist of a string of the characters ‘0’ and ‘1’ only where ‘1’ represents a filled
cell and ‘0’ represents an empty cell.
• the length of the string in each row will be the same for every row.
• there will be the same number of rows as the length of each row.
For example, the input file
represents a tile that could be rendered as
You may assume in the stated problems that all input files will be well-formed in this simple
format. A simple Haskell tile viewer program will be made available for you to check your outputs
For each stated problem, the output should be in the same simple format. The output should
not contain any other messages or formatting information and the output should always be
printed to Standard Out. The output required will be specified as best we can and a visual
representation of an example output will be provided in each case. In addition to this, an actual
example output file in the simple tile format will also be provided for you to check your own output
For every input name foo used in a problem specification, you may assume that we will place a
tile file called in the same directory where we execute your interpreter. The file will always
be compatible with the tile format given above. You may assume that we will not require you to
perform any additional operations on the tile values other than those indicated by the problems
given below and combinations of these.
Problem 1 - Checker Board
Assume two input tiles tile1 and tile2 of the same size. Output a single tile that comprises an
alternating sequence of the two input tiles repeated in each row such that for the first row, reading
from left to right tile1 appears first, followed by tile2. For the second row, reading from left
to right tile2 appears first, followed by tile1. The output should contain 64 rows of alternating
input tiles, each row consisting of 64 input tiles.
For example, if the two input tiles are both 1x1 tiles, the first consisting of a single filled cell
the other a single empty cell then the output could be rendered as
Note that, it may be wise to consider implementing this using a form of iteration as the unseen
problems may ask for much larger outputs.
Problem 2 - Rotation and Scaling
Assume one input tile tile1. Output a single tile that comprises a pattern built as follows:
Step 1 a “base” square is built by taking the input tile and constructing a square of itself and
rotations of itself as follows : the top left cell of the square must be the input tile, the top right
cell of the square must be the input tile rotated through 90 degress (around the centre of the input
tile). The bottom left cell of the square must be the input tile rotated through 270 degrees and
finally, the bottom right cell of the square must be the input tile rotated though 180 degrees.
For example, if the input tile is
then the “base” square would be
Having built the base square the output required from Problem 2 is a single copy of the base
square scaled to three times its original size surrounded by multiple copies of the base square.
For example, given the input tile as above the output could be rendered as
Problem 3 - Reflections and Blanks
Assume one input tile tile1. Output a single tile that is 60 times the size of the input tile that
comprises a pattern built as follows:
Step 1 is to build a “base” object of 3x2 lots of the input tile and a constant blank tile. The
base should be laid out as per the diagram below.
where Tile1 refers to the input tile, Tile1-Y refers to the input tile reflected across the middle
vertical axis of the tile, Tile1-X refers to the input tile reflected across the middle horizontal axis
of the tile and Tile-X-Y refers to the input tile reflected across both the horizontal and vertical
axes. The tile named Blank refers to a constant empty tile of the appropriate size - this blank tile
is not given as an input tile.
Having built the “base” object, the output required from Problem 3 is a copy of the base
followed horizontally to the right by a copy of the whole base object reflected across the X-axis
all repeated 10 times. This entire “row” of base objects is then repeated vertically downwards 30
For example, given the input tile
the output tile could be rendered as
Problem 4 - Boolean Ops and Predicates
Assume three input tiles tile1, tile2 and tile3 all of the same size. In this problem we will
be making use of boolean operations on tiles, by considering each cell as a boolean with ‘1’
representing True and ‘0’ representing False. We define the conjunction (“and”) of two tiles as
the tile resulting from the cell-wise conjunction of the two tiles. Similarly, we define the negation
of a tile as the cell-wise negation of the tile. For example, the negation of
The output tile required in Problem 4 needs to be 50 times the size of the input tiles. Considering
the input tiles as being unit size, then the output can be considered as having 50 rows and 50
columns, both numbered from 0 to 49.
The output tile can be described as follows:
• for entries at (col, row) where row+ col < 50 and col < 25 there should be the tile obtained
as the conjunction of tile1 and the negation of tile3.
• for entries at (col, row) where row ≤ col and col ≥ 25 there should be the tile obtained as
the conjunction of tile2 and the negation of tile3.
• for all other entries there should be the blank tile of appropriate size.
For example, if the input tiles are
11 , 00 and 01
00 11 10
respectively, then the output tile could be rendered as
Problem 5 - Subtiles
Assume one input file tile1. In this problem we are going to create subtiles of the input tile.
We can specify a subtile by giving a (col,row) number of the input tile to be the top-left corner
of the subtile. We then also specify how large a subtile to take. Of course, the subtile should be
contained entirely within the given input tile.
For this problem, assume that the input size is a tile of size 10. Create three subtiles subtile1,
subtile2 and subtile3 each of size 6 with top-left corners at (0,0), (2,2) and (4,4) of the input
tile respectively.
Output a single tile comprising a row of three copies of subtile1, then a row of three copies
of subtile2 and finally a row of three copies of subtile3. The overall output tile should be size
For example, if the input tile is
Then the three subtiles are
110000 , 110011 and 110011
110000 , 110011 and 110011
001100 , 001100 and 001111
001100 , 001100 and 001111
000011 , 110011 and 111111
000011 , 110011 and 111111
respectively. The overall output could be rendered as
First submission - due Thursday April 27th 4pm
You will be required to submit a zip file containing:
• the sources for the interpreter for your language, written in Haskell
• five programs, written in YOUR language, that solve the five problems specified above.
The programs should be in files named pr1.tsl, pr2.tsl, pr3.tsl, pr4.tsl, pr5.tsl.
We will compile your interpreter using the command ghc Tsl.hs so you will need to include
a file in your zip file called Tsl.hs that contains a main function along with any other Haskell
source files required for compilation. Prior to submission, you are required to make sure that your
interpreter compiles on a Unix machine with a standard installation of GHC (Version
8.4.3) or earlier: if your code does not compile then you will be awarded 0 marks for the
functionality testing component of the assessment.
You can use Alex and Happy for lexing and parsing but make sure that you include the
generated Haskell source files obtained by running the alex and happy commands as well as the
Alex and Happy source files. Alternatively you can use any other Haskell compiler construction
tools such as parser combinator libraries. You are welcome to use any other Haskell libraries, as
long as this is clearly acknowledged and the external code is bundled with your submission, so
that it can compile on a vanilla Haskell installation.
Interpreter spec. Your interpreter is to take a file name (the program in your language) as
a single command line argument. The interpreter should produce output on standard output
(stdout) and error messages on standard error (stderr). For each problem, we will test whether
your code performs correctly by using a number of tests. We only care about correctness and
performance will not be assessed (within reason - our marking scripts will timeout after a generous
period of time). You can assume that for the tests we will use correctly formatted input. For
example, when assessing your solution for Problem 1 we will run
./Tsl pr1.tsl
in a directory where we also provide our own versions of and We will then
compare the contents of stdout against our expected outputs. Whitespace and formatting is
important and the output must adhere to the simple tile format and contain no other text.