COMP5206 Information Technology and Systems
Creation date:2024-05-24 18:13:07
Information Technology and Systems
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COMP5206 Information Technology and Systems
These are the key assessments for COMP5206 during Semester 1, 2023, which are given below:
Assessment Component Team-Based? Weight Due
Knowledge test No 15% Week 7
Group Assignment Yes 20% Week 10
Participation (tutorial) No 10% Multiple weeks
Presentation Yes 5% Week 12
Final Exam No 50% Exam Period
The submission instructions for the assessments are given below. Please ensure to follow the
guidelines before submitting the assessments to avoid being penalized.
a) All the assignments are to be submitted online via the Turnitin submission portal on Canvas.
No printouts of the assignments should be submitted.
b) Only one team member from each group should submit the assignment online. If you
experience any difficulty in submitting your work, please let your tutor know immediately
c) Late assignment submissions will be penalized by a penalty of 5% per day of the total mark
allocated for the assignment (if you need more details or need some sort of clarification,
please check with Lecturer or the teaching team).
d) Individual contribution for group assignment will be taken into consideration while marking
the group assessments.
e) Assessment files should be named in the following format before submission
Format: GroupNumber_COMP5206_AssessmentName_Sem1_2023 Example:
The Faculty of Engineering views all forms of academic dishonesty, including plagiarism and recycling, very
seriously. The University-wide policy on academic honesty is set out below.1
Plagiarism means presenting another person’s ideas, findings, or work as one’s own by copying or
reproducing them without due acknowledgement of the source.
Recycling means the submission for assessment of one’s work, or of work which is substantially the same,
which has previously been counted towards the satisfactory completion of another unit of study, and
credited towards a university degree, and where the examiner has not been informed that the student
has already received credit for that work.
Students who submit work containing significant portions that have been copied from other sources,
including published works, the internet, existing programs, works previously submitted for other
awards or assessments, or the work of other students without proper acknowledgement will be
School of Computer Science
COMP5206 Information Technology and Systems (Semester 1, 2023)
1 Refer to University policy Academic Honesty in Coursework (plagiarism)
4. Knowledge Test (15%)
It is a Canvas-based open-book online test. The details of the format and coverage will be provided
in the lectures.
5. GROUP Assignment (20%)
Students are expected to form teams of 4 to 5 students per group for the group assignment by Week 2.
All the groups will then be registered on Canvas. Students should submit their group details (name and
student number) to the teaching team by the end of Week 2 unless otherwise.
Information Technology and Systems (ITS) has led to technology driven disruption in the service industry,
from robot servers at restuarants, automated checking machines to electronic gates at hospitals and
immigration. ITS methods have led to efforts in increasing efficiency, reducing wait times, and transform
the experience of customers within the industry. ITS, coupled with the internet, has also allowed the start-
up industry to grow and give them a chance to compete with big companies by understanding
opportunities and overcoming the challenges to enter the service industry.
For your group project, you can consider yourself as a part of a start-up or an organisation that is planning
to bring a new technology product in the service industry. Your organisation and product can be in any
market, including health, education, finance, legal, tourism, real estate, hospitality, transport services, etc.
Your team’s goal is to plan for the introduction of a new product or service into this market that would
disrupt the industry. The product should be novel and innovative.
Consider the report that you are creating as a pitch document for your innovative technological product
or service. We have provided you with the minimum elements that are required to be included in your
document below. You can add to these sections where needed.
a) Executive Summary
A concise one page summary (no more than one page) of the business proposal.
b) Introduction to the product or service
The document needs to cover the detailed information about your product or service, the problem it
solves, how it functions, who the users and stakeholders are, description of the product, objectives of the
product, which market the product is set in and how it disrupts the industry and its contribution to society
and the country’s economy.
c) Market Research
Market research, generally known as a literature review, is about the research that your team has
conducted in the chosen market, what are the existing products and services that you have identified, the
highest demand in that market, market gaps, opportunities for growth, collaborations required. There
needs to be a clear discussion in the document about how you identified the market gap and how the
product or service that you have chosen to work on satisfies the identified market gap.
School of Computer Science
COMP5206 Information Technology and Systems (Semester 1, 2023)
d) Competitive advantage
Competitive advantage is about how your product or service gains an edge over other products and
services in the market; it could be the technology advancement, automation, customer relationship
management, etc. In this section of the document, you can describe the information technology and
system (ITS) that you are going to use for your product or service. Discuss how you will use ITS to compete
with products and service of other organisations, how would you use ITS in a different way compared to
competitors. For example, automated efficient delivery routes for package delivery, which might be the
market gap in the chosen industry.
e) Unique Value Proposition
Describe the unique benefits or advantages that the product offers to its customers. Write a concise,
compelling message that differentiates the company or offering from its competitors and provide a reason
for customers to choose it. It should address the specific needs and pain points of the target audience and
highlight the key benefits or advantages that make the product or service stand out. It should be easy to
understand, memorable, and persuasive. A strong UVP can help a company attract and retain customers,
increase sales, and build a strong brand identity.
f) Revenue streams
Describe the different ways in which a company generates income or revenue from your product. Share
the different sources of revenue that flow into a business. The revenue stream can be sales of products or
services, subscription model, advertising, licensing, franchsinig, a combination of them, etc. Revenue
streams are an important component of a company's business model, and they are critical to its success
and sustainability.
g) Privacy and trust
Privacy and trust have become very important, particularly when we plan for improved cybersecurity. In
this section, describe how your product will ensure privacy and trust in accessing and sharing data and
information. Your discussion should include how your organisation will protect consumer privacy and how
it will achieve consumer trust. Provide your group reflections on the concerns of privacy and trust while
using Infomration Technology and systems. In the reflections, each member will need to write 150-250
words personal views or comments on your current practice of privacy and trust in relation to your
Perspective on privacy and trust (150-
250 words)
(Max 50 words)
Member A
Member B
Member C
Member D
School of Computer Science
COMP5206 Information Technology and Systems (Semester 1, 2023)
Assessment Element Sub-Elements Weight
1. Executive Summary • Product description
• Industry
• Market size
• Explanation of disruption
2. Introduction • Functionality
• Description
• Users and stakeholders
• Objective of the product
• Market or industry it belongs to
3. Market research • Existing products and services in the market
• Demand
• Market gaps
• Opportunities for growth
4. Competitive Advantage • How competitors are using ITS
• Different Information technology and
Systems you would use as competitive
• How ITS will be used by you
5. Unique Value Proposition • Customer segments
• Minimum viable product
• Value provided to stakeholders
• Benefits and advantages of the product
6. Revenue Streams • Sources of revenue
• Revenue model
• Cost of alternatives
• Reasons for customers paying for your
7. Privacy and Trust • Protect consumer privacy
• How it will achieve consumer trust
• Individual reflection
• Individual recommendation
8. Conclusion, references, and appendix (if any) /5
9. Originality of the work, quality and style of writing and organization of the
School of Computer Science
COMP5206 Information Technology and Systems (Semester 1, 2023)
6. Presentation (5%)
It will be a group presentation and will be due in week 10. Each member from your group would be
expected to present. The presentation generally involves the following criteria. Further details would be
provided by the lecturer.
a) Contents of presentation
b) Team communication during the presentation
c) Engaging the audience
d) Confidence and ability to convince
e) Q&A handling (if any)
A sample project case study is given below to help you understand how your project would look like.
Use of Information System by Uber Eats
Uber Eats is a service that is considered to be a platform, which is also termed as a platform as a service
(PaaS) and is set in the industry of food delivery. Before the introduction of Uber Eats, many restaurants
used to have their delivery service, like Dominoes, Pizza hut, etc. This used to cost a lot for the restaurants,
and there were times when the delivery team also used to sit idle if there were no deliveries to be made.
The concept of Uber Eats was to create a platform where delivery riders could sign up to deliver food, and
customers could order for food, making sure that the demand was met with supply. This meant that Uber
Eats does not need to physically manage the employees and have their own fleet of delivery riders and,
instead, pay the riders based on the deliveries that are made by them. Uber conducted market research
and figured that there were a lot of businesses that did not deliver because it was costlier to do so, and all
the ones that had deliveries as an option where big corporations. Though there was a need from
consumers to order for their favourite food to their home, and this need was not met as the restaurants
did not deliver, hence settling for takeaway instead.
One of the significant competitive advantage that Uber Eats had against its competitors was automation
from its well-established Uber cab service of using Google Maps location, tracking the Uber driver near
the customer who wanted to get a ride. This was modified and adopted into the Uber Eats model, where
they automated and tracked the location of the delivery rider using GPS on their phones and placed them
near restaurants which the customers were ordering from. They made the creative use of business
intelligence and data-based decision making to understand which delivery riders were performing well,
promote riders who were making their deliveries faster and nudge riders towards the location where more
deliveries are being expected based on predictive trends. This led to customer satisfaction and, overall, a
positive experience for the customers and delivery riders.
They also introduced a social aspect to their application, where the customers can talk to the riders and
connect and message each other if there any queries or questions. The riders also get the option to share
information about who they are and what they do in their profile. At the same time, customers can assign
badges and fun quotes about the riders adding a social aspect to the interaction. When it comes to privacy
and trust, due to the recent Covid-19 pandemic, the Uber Eats industry was hit very badly as the orders
drastically reduced fearing spread of the virus. To promote safety, Uber introduced a new feature in the
application where you can leave food on the doorstep and take a picture to confirm that the food was
delivered. Ensuring trust to the customers about their food and how it was handled. They also maintain
the privacy of the consumer by not sharing their mobile numbers and having a separate routing address
where the phone no. of both the drivers and customer are hidden from each other. Customers and riders
also have the option to hide their real names in the application. This is one example of a service that
entered as a small company and went on to become the industry leader just by the smart use of
School of Computer Science
COMP5206 Information Technology and Systems (Semester 1, 2023)
Information Technology and Systems.