Introduction to Marketing
Creation date:2024-05-23 17:27:13
Introduction to Marketing
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Introduction to Marketing
Mid-Semester Test: Deadline 9am Thursday 6th April 2023.
Please complete all questions: TWO short answer questions (each worth 10
marks) and ONE long answer question (worth 20 marks). All answers must be
in your own words and should use academic references where appropriate.
SHORT ANSWER QUESTION 1 (400 words maximum):
Situation: Your best friend’s 18th birthday party is next month and you are wanting to
gift them with a great present. However, because they’re your best friend and it is an
important birthday, you are anxious you are going to buy them the wrong present.
Before proceeding with the question, decide which product category you are going to
purchase your best friend’s gift in (e.g., jewellery, clothing, electronics, etc.).
Question: Using your knowledge from this course, identify and explain the consumer
decision making process you would likely go through purchasing the present for your
best friend’s birthday. Be sure to outline key activities/considerations you will make at
each stage of the consumer decision making process. Finally, discuss recommended
ways in which potential companies could help reassure you, that you are making the
right purchase decision (e.g., a purchase you will not regret).
Please ensure your answer is in your own words and uses academic referencing (in-
text and reference list entry).
SHORT ANSWER QUESTION 2 (400 words maximum):
Situation: You have just commenced work as a marketing manager for Toshiba.
Toshiba is a large multi-national company, operating in a number of consumer
electronic markets. Your first job task to is undertake some research on the company
background of Toshiba. Furthermore, to research the various markets in which they
currently operate in (consider the Australian market or your home country market).
Question: Using your knowledge from the course, explain the different levels of
strategy with examples from the Toshiba company. Then, outline and explain the four
classifications within the Boston Consulting Group (BCG) Portfolio Matrix, with
illustrative examples from the Toshiba company, wherever possible.
Please ensure your answer is in your own words and uses academic referencing (in-
text and reference list entry).
LONG ANSWER QUESTION (800 words maximum):
Situation: You are working as a marketing consultant for a cafe (coffee shop) business
in your home city. The cafe serves premium organic coffee and an extensive range of
delicious bagels. The cafe has not yet determined who their target market is, although
their current location is close to a university, so their customer base is largely young
university students. As a starting point, you want to help the company refine their
segmentation, targeting and positioning strategy.
Question: First, explain what the key segmentation bases and targeting strategies are
(according to our course content), and provide examples. Next, explain the importance
of positioning strategy to the cafe and create a perceptual map, identifying the current
positioning of three competitors/cafes (of your choice, in your home city), and explain
their positioning in the marketplace. Finally, provide detailed marketing
recommendations (relating to their Product, Price, Promotion and Place) to the cafe on
how they can position their business to stand out from competition.
Please note, your perceptual map should NOT use price and/or quality. Please ensure
your answer is in your own words and uses academic referencing (in-text and reference
list entry).