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Assignment 7: Third Writing Assignment Listen to the following online presentation and Q&A with Dr Sylvain Leduc on February 7, 2023. Dr Leduc is currently head of the research department of the San Francisco Federal Reserve Bank, and before that he used to work as Deputy Governor at the Bank of Canada). Please discuss in essay form the following: 1. What does Dr Leduc see as the drivers of inflation? 2. How does the current labor market look? What sort of statistics does he present? 3. How does the Fed restore price stability? 4. Pick one question from the Q&A that you thought was interesting, and briefly explain why. Please answer in an essay format, not bullets. You may use other references, but you don’t have to. If you use other references, please add a literature list to the end (the literature list does not count for the word count). For the submission: Your review is limited to 400 words (plus/minus 10%). Put the word count at the bottom of the essay. The assignment should be written in one document and submitted in two ways: through the Crowdmark link that was sent to the student AND through Quercus assignments for the plagiarism check. The document has to be in a .pdf format to be submitted; thus if it is written in Word, please convert it into pdf format. Deadline is 11:59 EDT on Monday April 3rd, 2023 (extended deadline). The assignment is individual: you may discuss the questions with other students, but the answers need to be formulated and written by you.