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COMS 4771
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complete your work.
1 Inconsistency of the fairness definitions
Recall the notation and definitions of group-based fairness conditions:
Denote X ∈ Rd, A ∈ {0, 1} and Y ∈ {0, 1} to be three random variables: non-sensitive fea-
tures of an instance, the instance’s sensitive feature and the target label of the instance respectively,
such that (X,A, Y ) ∼ D. Denote a classifier f : Rd → {0, 1} and denote Yˆ := f(X).
For simplicity, we also use the following abbreviations:
P := P(X,A,Y )∼D and Pa := P(X,a,Y )∼D
Group based fairness definitions:
- Demographic Parity (DP)
P0[Yˆ = yˆ] = P1[Yˆ = yˆ] ∀yˆ ∈ {0, 1}
(equal positive rate across the sensitive attribute)
- Equalized Odds (EO)
P0[Yˆ = yˆ | Y = y] = P1[Yˆ = yˆ | Y = y] ∀yˆ, y ∈ {0, 1}
(equal true positive- and true negative-rates across the sensitive attribute)
- Predictive Parity (PP)
P0[Y = y | Yˆ = yˆ] = P1[Y = y | Yˆ = yˆ] ∀yˆ, y ∈ {0, 1}
(equal positive predictive- and negative predictive-value across the sensitive attribute)
Unfortunately, achieving all three fairness conditions simultaneously is not possible. An impos-
sibility theorem for group-based fairness is stated as follows.
• If A is dependent on Y , then Demographic Parity and Predictive Parity cannot hold at the
same time.
• If A is dependent on Y and Yˆ is dependent on Y , then Demographic Parity and Equalized
Odds cannot hold at the same time.
• If A is dependent on Y , then Equalized Odds holds and Predictive Parity cannot hold at the
same time.
These three results collectively show that it is impossible to simultaneously satisfy the fairness defi-
nitions except in some trivial cases.
(i) State a scenario where all three fairness definitions are satisfied simultaneously.
(ii) Prove the first statement.
(iii) Prove the second statement.
(iv) Prove the third statement.
Hint: First observe that
P0[Y = y|Yˆ = yˆ] = P1[Y = y|Yˆ = yˆ] ∀yˆ, y ∈ {0, 1}
is equivalent to:
P0[Y = 1|Yˆ = yˆ] = P1[Y = 1|Yˆ = yˆ] ∀yˆ ∈ {0, 1}.
A necessary condition for PP is the equality of positive predictive value (PPV):
P0[Y = 1|Yˆ = 1] = P1[Y = 1|Yˆ = 1]
To prove the third statement, it is enough to prove a stronger statement: if A is dependent on
Y , Equalized Odds and equality of Positive Predictive Value cannot hold at the same time.
Next, try to express the relationship between FPRa (= Pa[Yˆ = 1|Y = 0]) and FNRa (=
Pa[Yˆ = 0|Y = 1]) using pa (= P[Y = 1 | A = a]) and PPVa (= Pa[Y = 1|Yˆ = 1]),
∀a ∈ {0, 1} and finish the proof.
2 Combining multiple classifiers
The concept of “wisdom-of-the-crowd” posits that collective knowledge of a group as expressed
through their aggregated actions or opinions is superior to the decision of any one individual in the
group. Here we will study a version of the “wisdom-of-the-crowd” for binary classifiers: how can
one combine prediction outputs from multiple possibly low-quality binary classifiers to achieve an
aggregate high-quality final output? Consider the following iterative procedure to combine classifier
- S – a set of training samples: S = {(x1, y1), . . . , (xm, ym)}, where each yi ∈ {−1,+1}
- T – number of iterations (also, number of classifiers to combine)
- F – a set of (possibly low-quality) classifiers. Each f ∈ F , is of the form f : X → {−1,+1}
- F – a set of selected classifiers {f1, . . . , fT }, where each fi ∈ F .
- A – a set of combination weights {α1, . . . , αT }
Iterative Combination Procedure:
- Initialize distribution weights D1(i) = 1m [for i = 1, . . . ,m]
- for t = 1, . . . , T do
- // ϵj is weighted error of j-th classifier w.r.t. Dt
- Define ϵj :=
i=1Dt(i) · 1[yi ̸= fj(xi)] [for each fj ∈ F]
- // select the classifier with the smallest (weighted) error
- ft = argminfj∈F ϵj
- ϵt = minfj∈F ϵj
- // recompute weights w.r.t. performance of ft
- Compute classifier weight αt = 12 ln
- Compute distribution weight Dt+1(i) = Dt(i) exp(−αtyift(xi))
- Normalize distribution weights Dt+1(i) =
- endfor
- return weights αt, and classifiers ft for t = 1, . . . , T .
Final Combined Prediction:
- For any test input x, define the aggregation function as: g(x) :=
t αtft(x), and return the pre-
diction as sign(g(x)).
We’ll prove the following statement: If for each iteration t there is some γt > 0 such that
ϵt =
2 − γt (that is, assuming that at each iteration the error of the classifier ft is just γt better than
random guessing), then error of the aggregate classifier
err(g) :=
1[yi ̸= sign(g(xi))] ≤ exp(−2
γ2t ).
That is, the error of the aggregate classifier g decreases exponentially fast with the number of com-
binations T !
(i) Let Zt :=
iDt+1(i) (i.e., Zt denotes the normalization constant for the weighted distribu-
tion Dt+1). Show that
DT+1(i) =
t Zt
(ii) Show that error of the aggregate classifier g is upper bounded by the product of Zt: err(g) ≤∏
t Zt.
(hint: use the fact that 0-1 loss is upper bounded by exponential loss)
(iii) Show that Zt = 2
ϵt(1− ϵt).
(hint: noting Zt =