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ECON 3208
COURSE PROJECT Possible Marks Criteria 5 Accurate understanding of objectives. Do you understand the goal of the analysis, why the question is thought (by the authors of the original paper) to matter, and how the objectives relate to prior research findings? 7 Accurate understanding of methods and data. Have you thoroughly explained what techniques are being used to address the research question(s), and why? Have you succinctly expressed the nature of the data? 7 Accurate understanding of results. Do you accurately express and interpret the main results, and compare them to what was found in the original paper? If you raise a critique or note a point of difference in the results, do you provide a complete exposition of its potential effects on the results or interpretations? 6 Competence in written English. Spelling, grammar, punctuation, phrasing, word choice, style, tone, and consistency of referencing (4 points); and overall coherence and flow of the Project (2 points).