MGMT5050 Professional Skills and Ethics
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Professional Skills and Ethics
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MGMT5050 Professional Skills and Ethics
MGMT5050: Ethical Decision-making Discussion Question
Bringing it all together: An ethical decision-making guide
You’ve been introduced to some of the more important ethical frameworks (moral
philosophies) that apply to Business situations. Now it’s time to put them together and apply them.
In this decision-making model, we will be working through a series of steps that enable us to bring
a comprehensive, multi-perspective lens to an ethical dilemma. These steps help us to apply the
tools from our ethical framework toolbox.
7-Step Ethical Framework:
Step 1: Assessing the situation
In the first step we assess the situation. You have used your moral imagination to identify an ethical
dilemma. Now take time to define the problem. Why does it have moral content?
• What are the facts?
• Who are the stakeholders (including employees and customers)? What might their
perspectives be? Think through some alternatives to the perspective that you prefer.
• What might be some lasting effects on key stakeholders?
You need to conduct some initial analyses to find out what is really going on. Don’t jump to
conclusions/solutions at this stage.
Step 2: Assumptions and worldviews
In the second step we reflect carefully on any assumptions, worldviews or biases
that we might Taking for granted in this case. This type of reflection is best done with others.
• What are the assumptions that relate to this situation? Do they need to be considered and
• Are there any biases in the way we are thinking about this issue?
Step 3: Principles, duties and care needs
The third step brings us to the relevant principles, duties and relationships?
Imagine yourself in a personal relationship with your stakeholders, especially those with less power.
How can we be receptive and responsive to their needs?
• What are the rights of our key stakeholders?
• How do we take into account their essential humanity and ensure they are not simply used
as means to an end?
• What, then, are our duties towards these stakeholders?
• Are any duties in conflict?
• How do we ensure truthfulness and integrity?
• How do we ensure fair processes and outcomes? How are justice needs addressed?
Step 4: Process, Outcomes and Consequences?
In step 4, we move to some possible options and their consequences.
• What are our possible options?
• What are the consequences of these actions on key stakeholders?
• What would happen if this decision was made universal?
• How is the common good served?
Step 5: Character factors
Now think about the overarching aim of human flourishing.
• What are the virtues that might apply to this situation?
• How does the decision relate to the kind of person I want to be?
• The kind of organisation we want to be?
Step 6: Comprehensive assessment
It’s now time to weigh up all of the considerations you have just been working through.
• Do any factors warrant greater priority? Why?
• What is the fitting (best) position for this specific situation? Why?
Step 7: Justify your decision
When you develop habits of ethical thinking, you become better able to justify your decision.
• Is the decision feasible?
• Can you explain your decision?
• How might I respond to those who might be promoting a less-ethical pathway? (How to
counter their reasons and rationalisations?)