BUSN7008 Financial Statements and Reporting
Creation date:2024-05-22 16:06:20
Financial Statements and Reporting
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BUSN7008 Financial Statements and Reporting
Online Quiz Information
This Online Quiz accounts for 15% of the overall course mark. The quiz must be done individually by
the student without consultation or discussion with others.
You will find the quiz on the course Wattle page.
Time: The exact time will be posted on the Wattle site by March 24th (Friday). Please check the
Wattle site for updates.
The total duration of the quiz is 1.5 hours.
Coverage: Week 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 Topics
Only one attempt is allowed.
Slow/unstable internet connection
While you are given 1.5 hours for this quiz, you are expected to complete the quiz in 1 hour and
the additional 30 minutes are allowing for download time or potential internet connection
disruptions that last up to 30 minutes.
What tools or equipment do I need?
Software: Browser to access the BUSN7008 Wattle site.
Hardware: It is recommended that you use a desktop or a laptop. You are advised against
using a tablet or smartphone because of potential display issues. The following are ways to
address display issues:
o close the Wattle navigation bar on the left-hand side of the screen
o maximise the browser window on your computer to ensure all text is visible. If some
text is still not visible when the window is displayed on the full screen, try minimising
the text font size by pressing CTRL + "-" (on PC) or COMMAND + "-" (on Mac) so
that all of the text fits in the window
o increase the screen resolution of your computer monitor.
Internet: You need to have a reliable internet connection. You may wish to consider having a
backup internet connection. This could take the form of using your phone as a hotspot in the
event of internet failure on your computer.
What is the format of the quiz and what does the quiz cover?
Format: 12 Multiple choice questions (12 X1Mark=12 Marks), 9 calculation questions
(9X2Marks=18 Marks) .
For each multiple choice questions, there is only one correct answer.
-For calculation questions you only need to give the final result, that is, you should NOT
show your working process.
- For numbers, do NOT add dollar sign ($) in front of the numbers, and do NOT add
commas, or spaces for thousands/millions e.g. 8,000 or 8 000. If you add them, the
computer will read them as wrong. The correct way to write it should be: 8000
-For questions asking you to calculate profit or loss, if it’s a loss, use a negative sign. For
example, if the question is “ABC limited earned $400 revenue and incurred $500 expenses,
what’s the profit (loss) for ABC limited”, The correct answer should be: -100. On the other
hand, if the question says “ABC limited earned $600 revenue and incurred $500 expenses,
what’s the profit (loss) for ABC limited”, The correct answer should be:100.
Please be very careful during your calculation process, as all questions will be marked by
computers. If you give the wrong answer, you will not get any mark.
This quiz allows you to backtrack to previously attempted questions. You can therefore go back to
previous questions, even if they were unanswered.
Saving and submitting your work
Remember to frequently save the document(s) you are working on.
When taking the Wattle quiz, the system saves your work when:
a. You navigate between questions on different pages
b. You click on “Submit all and finish” at the end of quiz
c. The quiz times out at the end of the exam duration
Once you have completed the Wattle quiz, ensure you submit your responses by clicking “Submit
all and finish” and also the same button in the Confirmation pop-up box.
As only one attempt is allowed for this quiz, you will not be permitted to redo the quiz once you
have click on the “Submit all and finish” button in the Confirmation pop-up box.
A sample quiz (Mock Quiz Questions) is available on Wattle which contains 6 questions
showing the format of the quiz and the different types of questions that you can expect in the
real one
What do I do if I encounter any problems during the quiz?
Clarification of quiz questions: For the duration of the quiz, I am contactable via email:
[email protected]
Technical issues: If technical difficulties (e.g., internet connectivity issues) prevent you from
completing the quiz, make sure you provide sufficient evidence (e.g., time-stamped
screenshots, photos and videos) in any special consideration or deferred quiz application that
you may submit. Since we are allowing for an extra 30 minutes for
uploading/downloading/potential internet down time, technical issues will have to persist for
more than 30 minutes to be considered.
Absent from the quiz?
There will not be a replacement quiz if you did not attempt the quiz and will result in a zero
You are expected to have read and understood the ANU's Academic Misconduct Rules.
Instances of alleged misconduct will be investigated and, where misconduct is found to have
been committed, penalties will be imposed to the full extent of the Rule.